Mons Venus History Part 1- 1990 - 2000

avatar for minnow
"You have good pussy eating lips." These sweet "SS" words emanated from a naturally buxom athletic build gymnast dancer. I was at an OBT area club in Orlando. No, I didn't eat her pussy. We had a make out session so long as I kept buying overpriced drinks. Besides expressing her opinion of my lips, she mentioned that she'd danced at Mons Venus in Tampa, and how it allowed much more contact than the club we were in. This was the late 80's, and I'd been hearing good stuff about Mons Venus lately. Several months prior to this, I encountered a hot blonde dancing at "Pirates Den" in Key West. I thought "if these 2 dancers are typical for Mons Venus, this is a club that I must go to." This coupled with several Miami club patrons saying that Mons Venus was wilder than the Miami clubs had me put Tampa on my vacation bucket list for next year.


Finally in early 1990, I spend my week vacation in Tampa. I approached first visit with eager anticipation. Parking lot was sparse then as now, but I managed to find a spot on this afternoon visit. As I best recall, cover charge was $10 back then. Even though off peak hour, I got a bit of sensory overload. There were 2 dancers on stage, and WOW, they were naked, and would rub their tits over you. Although no dancer was as eye popping as the Key West hottie a few years back, neither were they painful on the eyes. There were no fatties or fuglies, I'd peg dancer attractiveness overall as being slightly below Bare Elegance - LAX, Shotgun Willies- Denver, but better than a lot of mid-tier clubs elsewhere in CA, TX, and the Midwest. I recall being taken aback by the aggressive hustle of the dancers. Individual lapdances were $20, with 3 for $50 being touted. This price structure lasted throughout the 90's, though the cover charge inched its way up to present day $20 in multiple stages.

Some perspective is in order. Circa 1990, virtually nobody offered nude contact lapdances. Not Los Angeles ( Options were light contact bikini, or private stage nude air dance, $10 per song for later). Not Miami/ Ft. Lauderdale (options were nude dance on portable stool in front of you, or limited 2 way contact bikini dance in a few topless clubs.) Not in TX (several cities were no touch, Austin and probably Houston had one way contact). Not in Tri-State (OH, IN, KY). The few nude clubs there were no contact, air dances. Ditto for many topless/bikini clubs. Not in DC (Still true today- nude, no contact.)

With all this as a backdrop, I was working to wrap my finger (no pun intended) around the concept of nude dances where a naked female would grind on your lap, and let you fondle her tits. On this short vacation (I had other things besides Mons Venus visit on my agenda.), I managed 3 visits to Mons Venus (2 afternoon, 1 evening), plus 1 evening visit to 2001 Odyssey across the street. Later in the year, I'd manage 2 weekend trips to Tampa. It took the second weekend visit to get past the (then) very high hustle factor at both clubs. Ditto for the lapdances conducted in open back walls of club.

As the 90's rolled on, the already attractive dancers became more so and numerous. Mons still had a cutting edge feel to it, but I noticed more mainstream, and accepting things happening. About 1995 or so was when I first saw the Mons Venus calendars available for sale. (I still have some of them.) Pictures were mostly, if not all nude, with a few personal fill ins from dancers. (favorite color, sexual fantasy, etc.) Mons Venus (along with Bare Elegance-LAX, Cheetahs- Atlanta, Scores - NYC, and several others) were featured in a 1997 Playboy Magazine Special Issue on Gentlemen's Clubs and Exotic Dancers/ Strippers. Alas, I never met the Mons Venus dancer who was featured. (I did meet one of the Bare Elegance dancers featured, but that's another story.) I can confirm that at least one dancer from that era was featured in a Men's oriented magazine (Tabitha Tigress in "Leg Show".) There were probably others from that era with pictorial features to their credit, but I wasn't going to let that be a deal maker/breaker.

The Mons Venus dressing room was featured in Playboy special, which showed 2 dancers eating from a fruit tray. It mentioned that owner was health conscious, and provided fruit tray rather than junk food snack machine for dancers to snack on. Recent conversations with dancers confirm that this feature still exists to this day. At about the same time, Mons Venus instituted a no smoking policy long before any non smoking ordinances were passed.


1999- With this year as a snapshot, Mons Venus was looking great. More and more attractive dancers were choosing to ply their wares there. With being the local leader in the non smoking policy, One could enjoy interaction with scores of beautiful women without choking on smoke. If you visited club on a Friday or Saturday night, you needed to claim a stage side seat by 830pm, or you weren't going to get a seat. Crowds were SRO, 3 deep by 1030pm. Day shift could be characterized as the best kept secret. There were smaller crowds, more laid back, but no real drop off of dancer attractiveness. Afternoon shift wouldn't have the college age hotties of the weekend, but a good sampling of well toned, more mature Milf's in the sweet spot (for me anyway) 25 to 32 age bracket. On my vacations to FL, I'd cut my daytime activities to make room for the day shift.

On a business trip to Central FL in late 1999, there were signs of a dark cloud looming on the horizon. A local paper ran an article on a "6 Foot Ordinance", and how it was going to be more vigorously enforced in the coming months. The new year (and millennium) was going to be a new era. During my trips there in early 2000, things were quiet with business pretty much as usual. Some changes in my work schedule resulted in nearly a year absence from Central FL trips. During that absence, the raids started, with several arrests made. A wait staff cutie that I spoke with after my return in 2001 told of some SWAT style raids there.

With that, I'll conclude Part 1. Part 2 will be in a follow on article, going from 2001 raid adjustment era, to the return of business as usual (more or less) shortly following 911, and leading up to today.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Very nice - always interesting to learn about the history of clubs.

The only thing missing from Mons is VIP/extras - but then again IMO good-chance it would not have as many hot-babes if it was an extras-club.

1990s Mons as you described it was probably ahead of its time and probably what put Tampa on the map as a SC destination although I think other areas may have more to offer SCs-wise these days.
avatar for K
8 years ago
"The only thing missing from Mons is VIP/extras" - does OTC count?

I'll be back to Mons in April and again in May. My time in the club isn't as nice as the after party
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I've read numerous Mons reviews over the last few years and don't recall anyone stating they pulled OTC out of there - I assumed the Mons girls are able to do well w/ juat LDs and thus would not need/want to do OTC extras
avatar for K
8 years ago
Sent a PM

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I wonder when (year) Mons opened for business
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
mons is allways in my top two in florida. tootsies being the other. my first standard is HOT naked beauties. then i let it move on from there. gotta remember i frequent tijuana which has beautiful girls with 99.9 extras compared to usa.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Mons used to weigh the dancers when they were hired and then they had to weigh in before each shift. If I recall the variance had to be 2 or less pounds. The 6 foot rule killed Tampa strip clubs overnight. My Father lived less than 20 miles away, but when the six foot rule came in we started going to bare assets in holiday. Nude and alcohol.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Great article though. Was a great club and is still pretty good.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Looking forward to part 2
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Tanga Lounge anyone?
avatar for minnow
8 years ago
Perhaps that could be an article by skibum. Do you recall the 1999 fire that shut down the club for several months, or the nearby Mexican restaurant that is no more ?
avatar for WetWilly
8 years ago
I owned a home 3 miles from the mighty Mons Venus in the 1990s. I've met the owner a couple of times, thanked him each time for putting up with the crap the city has given him.

Yes, I've been to the Tanga Lounge many times too. Sad to see a darn bridge end the life of such a place. Great memories....
avatar for StrippersLuvMeInCA
8 years ago
The club i recwntly visited in LA jad some GORGEOUS dancers that offered full nude LD's amd allowed me-at least- do anything and everything. When i asked them what they allowed each said it was up to them with what the customers can do, but with most, they simply give the dances. No touching.
However, my experience was absofuckinglutely ridiculous. Once each if them got naked, both times they laid down on top of me & started full on kissing me.
The one with some perfect au narural DD's & a body to match, put them in my face then told me to start sucking them. After that she sat up, spread her pussy and told me she was so wet she wanted me to finger her and play with her clit. So i definitely obliged as she continued kissing me some more.
All of a sudden she jumped up, quivering and said I made her cum. She then turned around with her ass in my face and told me to lick her pussy. I couldnt say no, as she was at least a 9/10. After that she slid down so she was over my junk and started rubbing it so hard, asking me to play with her asshole (it was fresh, dont worry) and she said she came again. Fun times.

The other one is a definite 10/10. Mixed asian spanish and Irish. Same thing happend with her during our first VIP dance. Except now we see each other a few times a week where I meet her usually at her place, and have our fun there. She wants to start seeing each other seriously but Ive NEVER imagined Id be dating a stripper. Especially having read some horror stories, so I'm a little nervous she or I might start getting too attached.
Luckily she hasnt been high maintenance at all or asking me for $, so it seems almost too good to be true. She does get jealous when I go and visit her at work, when other girls ask me for pvt dances. She'll get upset and start saying how I "probably want to go and fuck them?!"
I tell her i have to watch her go give dudes lap dances so "does that mean you're going to go back & have sex with them too"? She cried the first time saying shes never dated a "customer".Its only been about a month but so far so good. Just a little weird and confusing, for me.
(Her giving guys LD and especially when they want VIP. Although she says shes never let any touch her or do any of the things we did during the first one where/when we met.
avatar for StrippersLuvMeInCA
8 years ago
Haha...the vip is full nude, she can do what she wants to make that paper. Grind on dudes or whatever. But as far as touching goes? Especially if they try to touch her pussy or kiss her? I know that shit doesnt happen. She doesnt fuck around.
Shes one of those top earners who doesnt need to give any of that "extras or otc" shit. After she let me do the shit we did, she layed down on top of me, and said " I cant believe i just did that. I swore to myself Id never be one those types"
Of course i didnt believe her and when i told her that, she looked at me straight faced, almost in tears because i didnt believe her. And swore up & down she was telling the truth. On her mothers grave. Her father. On the lives of her nephews. On everything. But youre right, who knows?
Theres also the fact she pulls in almost 10g a week and is only 20. She said she hates when guys try to touch her or kiss her. They can grab her ass if theyre not some creepy ass old man, who she avoids anyway. But most of the time when that happens she gets up , calls a bouncer and kicks them out. Ive watched that happen 5 or 6 times, now. If she DOES let them touch her titties?! Wtf do i care?

And then theres the fact that in the "VIP" section, the walls that separate it from the main stage area are low and you can see whats going on. When shes up there, ALL the girls know that her booth is her "booth" and dont fuck with it. Its the very first one so you can pretty much see everything thats going on, especially from across the room at the bar.
So when shes giving her dances and Im visiting her, all she does is stare at me the whole time (when im chilling over at the bar)

And THEN the one time I did try and get a LD from another girl, her ass went over to the security area and watched me from the camera the whole time. When it was over She got pissed. came over to me and said "you just fucked up" Saying Im "i thought you might be different but youre just like all the guys and dont really give AF or care about me" etc.
I said "hold up, you're over there giving all these guys dances, and if I get one Im not ALLOWED".
Her response was " i know what theyre going to let you do with them".
(im a very humble person, but so i hate describing myself, I'll try to rephrase her words/description. According to her theyll do more with me because Im good-looking, have a very muscular build and dont look like the type that ever goes to stip clubs...which i dont. I went to one on my 18th bday and that was the first and only time, until now).
Anyway she said shes only doing her job, "we're supposed to be together...AND Ive NEVER DONE SHIT WITH ANYBODY like I HAVE UNTIL I MET YOU!"--haha she was yelling this but we were in the back corner of the stage area.Im sure every fuxking person in there heard it though.

Oh, shes also a fitness/bikini model who also works for some womens swimwear line as well.

If they ever heard she did ahit like that shed get dropped quick. It just came out as new upscale line by a designer based out of California.

The last thing ill say is she just recently got out of a relationship with some guy she had been dating since she was 16. And niether she nor i was looking for a a relationship. He was upset she decided to dance/strip. The first thing i asked her was how do i know shes not pulling the same shit with other guy's? And If she think Im going to get played like a sucker then Im out. She responded back with " did i bring you home, to MY place and fuck you for the first night we met?"
We went out on 3 or 4 dates before that even happened.
Anyway she just kissed me and asked me to please trust her. So we'll see.

avatar for StrippersLuvMeInCA
8 years ago
In the first comment when i said recently, i meant since back in April, thenfirst time i went. And the dance with the DD's was the one that got me in trouble.That dance took place before we had "the discussion" about the other dancers and me having to watch her dance with ither guys. It was more out of spite than anything. BUT it was worth it. I found out whether she was serious or not about wanting to be with me Or if she thought i was just some sucker she thought could get played.
avatar for minnow
8 years ago
SLM- Are you on drugs ? Wtf do your ramblings about a CA club have to do with the history of Mons Venus, a FL club ?
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