The State of Mongering in Tijuana - Election Edition: Part II

avatar for l00ber
Tijuana and Detroit

I am continuing on with the in club experiences. In HK, most prices are set in US dollars and the house dictates an exchange rate for products on the menu. The house exchange rate when we visited was 16 Pesos to the dollar. You will not save that much money on beer, liquor, VIP, cigars, appetizers, or other onsite services. For the rates to go arriba, that's set by the girls. You can save plenty when paying in Pesos. Pay in Pesos.

Once you start hitting up other venues in Zona Norte (or non-monger related activities in the surrounding areas) the savings are even greater. Many of the other bar/clubs have USD/Peso rates set years ago that have never been revised. 4 of us TUSCLers were in one club and each got 2 beers (they are sold in pairs), for a total of 8 beers. We were told that the 8 beers were either $8 USD, or 50 Pesos. Pay in Pesos.

Many of the clubs in the surrounding areas are worth a peek. The talent on average will be subpar when compared to HK. But the hottest girls in each of the alternate locations could give the best HK girls a run for their Pesos. While HK largely ships in girls from all over Mexico for temporary stints (possibly to prevent soft unions from forming) most of the girls in nearby clubs are locals. They choose to work in bar with less foot traffic because of the stability or flexibility.

Some local girls are not a fan of the pressure to sell, or HK's heavy drug culture. People were dealing weed, and doing lines of coke and meth right at their tables at HK. After seeing someone else doing that, one of my fellow TUSCLer insisted on doing the same at our table. Frankly, that sort of made me uncomfortable. Just because you are free to be a jackass doesn't mean that you should subject others to your jackassery. Just my take. Regardless, even the drugs are cheaper in Pesos. Pay in Pesos.

Whether your mastery of Spanish is questionable or if you don't know who in HK to approach for coke, the maseros are there to make sure you have what you need. They are eager to please and incredibly knowledgeable. Just remember that yours is a symbiotic relationship. They are not your friends. They need your money, and you need their services. Just because they are articulate and friendly, does not mean that they have your best interests in mind. We TUSCLers fear the ROB. Fear the masero upsell in TJ. One person in our group got spun into a VIP room (tried to warn him against it) and ended up with a $500 bill and nothing to show for it. He probably could have just taken 8 girls upstairs. And if you're going to get clipped, might as well get clipped in Pesos.

HK is akin to a butcher. They sell meat, and they are quite adept at serving all cuts. If your Spanish is decent [or even rudimentary], you may find a more personable experience in the other neighborhood clubs. The Mexican and Asian members of our group were constantly offered OTC and even dates by girls in other clubs. One girl wanted a guy to go to Rosarito (towards the beach from TJ) on her day off. If nothing else, you could probably hire one as a cheap guide around town for the day as a break from drinking and whoring. You can buy a girl's time. In TJ, you are far more flexible in how that time can be used. If you are not a pendejo, you might not even have to pay for that time.


avatar for Jascoi
8 yrs ago

i may have briefly talked to you or one other of your party upstairs in a hallway of cascades a few weeks ago. the word was pesos. use pesos. so last tuesday afternoon november 8th... i exchanged $200us for pesos. got 18.3 peso per dollar. thank you. saw a savings on everything i bought. butt i think it would be risky to buy a whole lot of pesos. just buy what you think you will spend on that trip.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

************** This Discussion Continued Here:

Some have said that this 'MLB' is a better place for beginners to start, even better than the Hong Kong Bar. But I don't know what MLB means. Maybe it means this: La Malquerida

But this is only speculation.

Some have said that if one wants girls jumping onto their lap and pushing their tongue into their mouth, that this Playboy Clug is best, even though there are numerous accounts of this for the Hong Kong Bar. I have no idea.

Playboy Club

In general people say that you can pay for everything in dollars or pesos. But if you have to pick, some are saying pesos are better, especially for paying girls, and especially for street girls. I do not know.

Some have written that if you give a girl fichas, then pretty much she belongs to you. Next time you set foot in the club, she will come running.

But fichas are the tokens or paper slips they get when selling drinks. Makes no sense to me. But some say you cannot just be handing a girl cash in these places when she is sitting with you. You have to buy her drinks, as then the house also gets money. So it would seem strange that anyone watches closely enough to stop a guy from handing the girl cash. Maybe you can buy a ficha for her, without actually buying a drink? I have no idea.

Some say that Bar Tropical might have the most really young girls, 18, 19, etc. Why is this when the un ratito price seems to be lower? Is it because the HK bar is seen as 'harder core'?

And my number one question: People keep referring to the back stage shows in the HK bar as 'shaving cream'. To me this makes zero sense. To me this just sounds like guys who keep a good distance from such shows. Some have even talked about shaving cream and chocolate syrup. Again, makes no sense.

And I have seen some brief video clips of it. And then there are videos showing girls getting eaten out at the edge of the main stage.

I keep saying that the shows cannot be shaving cream, as that would be idiotic. So people say I haven't been there so I could not know. But to me it seems like these guys have stayed away instead of participating.

Aren't these shows Whipped Cream shows? To me that is the only way which would make sense.

Intended As Continuation Of The Following Threads:

Justme62's thread

100ber's Article, Part I

Part II

Part III


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