
My OTC Career, Part 1: Unpromising Beginnings

avatar for MrDeuce

This is the first of a series of three articles on my checkered OTC career. I will show, warts and all, how I have advanced in the past two years from not even thinking about seeing strippers OTC to enjoying intimate overnight dates with three different dancers quite recently.

Although I have been an avid strip club visitor for well over twenty years, I never even considered meeting a stripper OTC until I met J about two years ago. She was the subject of my TUSCL article “How I won -- and lost -- my dream stripper”. She was 26 years old, sweet, gorgeous, stacked, and very accommodating, always making it clear that I was the customer and her job was to please me.

We hit it off immediately during a long series of $10 lappers one hot afternoon in summer of 2014 and advanced on my next three visits to mind-blowing BBBJs in the VIP room. However, after the first BJ, which she delivered with a wonderful combination of affection, eroticism, and boldness, she became increasingly nervous due to the non-private nature of the room. Naturally the subject of moving our adult fun to a hotel room came up. She agreed in principle, though she quit stripping soon thereafter, and even texted me something like “If u want the same as we do in vip I can outside the club up to u”.

For the next three months I experienced the frustration of trying to get her to meet me in a hotel room for a continuation of our VIP room fun. On a couple of occasions she agreed to a date but flaked or failed to confirm (which I have since learned is all too common among strippers). I did manage to take her out to a Mexican restaurant in October, after which she asked for a $60 loan. Of course I never saw her or the money again, and by the end of 2014 we were completely out of touch.

A few months later, in spring of 2015, I was getting lap dances from an old favorite named C – about 27 years old, brunette, fun-loving, excellent body and decent face -- at a different club when she said (not for the first time) “We should go out for dinner sometime”. I got her number and set up a dinner date for a week or so later, this time to a Longhorn Steakhouse (her choice). I was hoping that this rather expensive dinner (about $100 including wine) would be followed by a visit to my nearby hotel room, but of course I hadn’t specified that and she left the restaurant after a pleasant hour or so – to dance at the club! In retrospect, she had no intention of meeting me OTC for anything other than a free meal. I enjoyed her company and still get dances from her to this day, so it’s all good. A couple of dinner dates with no sexual component were part of the learning process for me.

Now fast forward to December 2015. Earlier that fall at an extras club near East St Louis I had met a dancer named N, who was 42 years old, blonde, with a very nice body except for considerable belly damage from losing a large amount of weight in recent years. I had enjoyed her phenomenal BJ skills twice in the VIP room but had mentioned nothing about meeting outside the club. Out of the blue she texted me at work one Friday afternoon to say that her driver’s license had been revoked and she couldn’t get to the club for a while but would like to meet me OTC to do what we did ITC. As it happened, I was driving to St Louis that very evening to attend a concert, so we arranged for me to pick her up afterward (after midnight!) and take her to my hotel room.

It turned out that she felt bad about leaving her teenage daughters alone overnight, so we changed the date to an early-morning BJ in my room followed by a nice brunch. This established a pattern that persisted over the next few months: I would propose a “sleepover” with two BJs, one at bedtime and the other in the morning, for $300 and she would agree but would always back out partially or completely, usually for health-related reasons. She really did have a lot health issues: MS, dental problems, and a benign breast tumor, among other things. I think that in six attempts at arranging overnight dates with two BJs, we actually met three times: the first time early in the morning for BJ and brunch (a delightful combo, by the way) and the other two times for dinner and a post-prandial BJ in my room.

She did text me once over the summer – to wish me a happy Father’s Day, of all things! – but we have now been out of contact for three months and I really don’t expect to see her again.

In part 2 of this three-part series of articles, I will tell the astounding tale of my next attempt to spend the night in a hotel room with a stripper. The title of this upcoming article will be “A veritable shit storm of chaos”. Stay tuned . . .


last comment
avatar for Bavarian
8 yrs ago

Nice. Looking forward to the next installment.

My CF once said that I take for granted that she actually shows up to our "appointments". Well if I am paying above market rates, I don't see why she would flake.

avatar for clubdude
8 yrs ago

A good red. Reminds of a few OTCs I've had....all dinner dates. You've motivated me to attempt a REAL OTC!

avatar for rogertex
8 yrs ago

Enjoyed reading.

Contrasts with Subraman's article.

But I can relate to all of it - and also to Subra's experience.

For me body/looks/chemistry are important. Escorts don't provide that opportunity - and for good reason. I've been disappointed many times. Stripclubs provide the perfect place to check out the dancer - her looks, her walk and her talk. Yes - there's stripper shit to weed through.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

Heh, good article, looking forward to what comes next!

I've had my share of experiences that match MrDeuce's. My experience has been that the unprofessionalism of strippers is a two-edge sword: on the one hand, it means that if they show up, they will often charge you for sex but not the hours or overnight they spend with you; on the other hand, "if they show up", 'nuff said. OTC is just the very best experience in sex industry, at least for me ... if she texts you back, if she shows up, if if if.

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

Bring on part two!

avatar for Corvus
8 yrs ago

Good read and some familiar experiences there too based on a few of my attempts. One difference is that if I have a girl coming to my room I expect more than a BJ. But to each his own, and I've had BJ only trysts as well.

But, my gosh, I can hardly wait for part two. Anything titled "A veritable shit storm of chaos" has got to be entertaining!


avatar for gawker
8 yrs ago

Looking forward to part 2. My first OTC was planned very well with all expenses and expectations spelled out in advance. To this day she swears I was her first OTC as well, but other than being a 1/2 hour late, all went as planned. Her overarching need for the money guaranteed her showing up. I was still nervous as hell, but it turned out to be the first of several hundred OTC meetings.

avatar for Jascoi
8 yrs ago

when i started attending a local strip club near my folks home i enjoyed a couple of restaurant visits with one hot girl. it was a nice time butt did not progress into true otc sex. at least it was nice dining with a beautiful stripper with a genuinely sweet attitude. :)

i never got pass second base with her. :(

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

I agree. Dining with a sweet, beautiful stripper is quite pleasant even without any sexual activity. I've dined (or breakfasted) about a dozen times now with 5 different strippers and have greatly enjoyed all of these meals.

avatar for jestrite50
8 yrs ago

I take all of my GFE girls to dinner. It is part of the contract. If they don't want to go to dinner and just want to suck and fuck they are fired and I find someone else. I only want a true complete GFE or nothing.

avatar for Jascoi
8 yrs ago


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