
Cracking the Shell

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 12:00 AM
The context of this article is aimed at middle aged fugly PL's (pathetic loser) like myself. Also, this transcends random p4p (pay for play) OTC (outside the club) encounters. So you meet and become enamored with a, sweet, smoking hot young dancer. Instinctively, you are drawn to her and want to become part of her life. Well, if she is fine, you better get in line behind every other PL that she gives dances to because we all want her. Baby-doll hears so much BS from the PL's that she creates a hard shell blocking all random come-on's from the pervs she's giving dances to. Making herself available to PL's is not part of her hustle. Okay, so below are tips that can break the shell and bring you into the baby-dolls life. First, every encounter with the honey should be positive. When she sees you, she should know the encounter is going to be fun and prosperous for her. No guessing or work for her. When she is with you, she will make bank, have drinks and get food if she so desires. Second, listen intently to whatever she says. Remember everything including birthdays, anniversary, life's events etc. Tactfully bring up past discussions topics every time you talk to her but don't dwell on them. Never lecture or offer advice on anything unless specifically asked to do so by the honey. Third, keep the discussions non-sexual outside of VIP or when not getting LD's unless she takes the discussion there. Fourth. Never any drama. Honey dances for someone else or doesn't return texts, you are cool with it. Tell her it turns you on to see her make money. Encourage her to spend time with other PL's so she can make money because you will always be there. Again, never anything dramatic or negative. Never. Fifth. Slowly she will let you into her life. Do not act needy or clingy. Text her sparingly. At first, only to see when she will be working or to say something positive to her. At first, she probably won't return text's much until you win her trust. Follow these steps. Have patience and do not lose hope. Eventually, she will probably let you into her life with a big whoosh. Suddenly, she wants to be Facebook friends, meet for lunch, introduce you to family/friends etc. You may even be startled with how deeply she will let you into her life. Congratulations, you have won her trust and you are now in her inner circle. Soon, though, you find out your completely fucked because the baby-doll will never view you as a serious love interest. No, our status is of trusted friends that have been given insight to behind the scenes stripper life. This can be fun as shit but you will always be seen as an ATM on some level. Fun, sensual, exciting, expensive and disheartening all at the same time. It is up to you to determine if it is worth the effort. Happy hunting.


  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Simple fact is that once you pay a dancer you are a PL to her for the rest of your life.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ I agree with what the lawyer says
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I “try” to keep in mind that I should tread a dancer as I want to be treated. If I expect her to treat me a certain way or go the extra mile; then I should do the same thing; IMO. Many of these dancers are often treated like shit by either the men in their personal lives or the custies they meet – so if one treats them nice and they develop a comfort with you; they can genuinely appreciate you – but as the saying goes – “nice guys finish last” – probably more so w.r.t. strippers – she will call you when the shit hits the fan but is often simultaneously banging the loser that treats her like shit.
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    just assume "you're completely fucked because the baby-doll will never view you as a serious love interest" from the get go and save all the agravation
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    What a sweet article, it's made me feel very close to you. Can you withdraw $1500 from your 401K for me? I really need it.
  • onetimesc
    10 years ago
    So why not be the loser that treats her like shit and simultaneously gets banged?
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    have you tried what you wrote? she will walk all over you bro. congruence, have it show it.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Excellent article. I follow pretty much all that advice, not that I want to have a 'real' relationship with a dancer per se, but club visits are fun because the dancers know I'll be a fun time for them with no pressure on them. And should one decide more than just an ITC relationship is desired, you already have established a solid friendship. A secret that PL's don't always realize is yes, dancers DO like some custies more than others and not just based on tips. They do look forward to some of their regulars, and loathe some others. That can lead to OTC visits with dancers who normally wouldn't.
  • oscarlomax
    10 years ago
    I try to keep in mind it's all about having fun. I never expect anything but a good time. I agree that you should be respectful, kind, and upbeat. I've had some encounters OTC with a few dancers but I never paid because that wasn't the arrangement. I never suggested an OTC meet. She did and when I said "no money will change hands" some declined but some hung out with me anyway. Always kept it casual and fun. I respect the hustle but outside of the club, if I'm spending money, it's on a girlfriend and the dynamics of that union is different in my mind to the "customer/dancer" arrangement.
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    Rockstar666 speaks the truth. Dancers do have favorites that they look forward to and enjoy seeing for reasons other than money. They are people after all, and they come into contact with enough guys through work that they are bound to eventually run into at least a few guys that are the ying to their yang on a personal level. Put it this way: how many ladies do you know that have left the business did so without taking a favorite customer with them? Every lady I know that has retired took a guy with them that they met at work.
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