
Travel Worthy Destinations for Dancers: Las Vegas.

As a dancer who has been &quot;in the industry&quot; for over eight years I have both clients and dancers alike ask me or sometimes even chime in as to which destinations are popular for traveling dancers.<br />
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In terms of travel options, it all comes down to personal choice. I.e. If you are currently in a warm weather climate and would you like to see snow, visit (or be awy from relatives for that matter!) and will you be traveling by plane or automobile.<br />
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Once you have worked out those small details, then there are many viable options. I for one would recommend the most basic of necessities to begin with. Each calendar year ED publications puts out what used to be the Exotic Directory magazine or handbook. It is now called the VIP guide. It typically is bi annual meaning that it will have 2011-2012 edition. You can order it online or call their toll free number before you begin your journey. The cost is minimal. $25.00 or $37.50 for two. I get two and sell the other to a girlfriend if we travel. It is priceless to keep on hand.<br />
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Next, so many girls talk of Vegas. It is a classic destination.<br />
Some things to note before you go to Vegas. Not even Vegas is Vegas anymore. You must have you A game on if you are planning to work here! Remember that thousands of girls including the eastern european imports have the same vision as you. So, dress to impress at any club and be prepared to audition. You will need a birth certificate if under 25. A valid driver&#39;s license, and plan for around $200 in fees for you sherrif&#39;s card and business license. If you are a convicted felon, forget, working in Vegas, as YOU WILL be fingerprinted in order to get your sherrif&#39;s card. This is a gaming town!<br />
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*Spearmint Rhino GM- night John or day Greg The typical Rhino girl is very attractive. Dress to impress. The night shifts are coveted, blondes rule.<br />
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*Olympic Gardens OG- This is the sister club of the Sapphire club the largest gentlemen&#39;s club the world over. They actually have a van that transports dancers from OG to Sapphire&#39;s<br />
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Off the strip a bit. Still a somewhat popular destination for wknds. and WSP. tournaments<br />
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*Sapphires- This is the sister club to the OG. This is the largest club in the world. Upscale. Dress to impress. Great potential to make money. They also have top notch marketing at the Rio and Rio pool party.<br />
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*Diamonds- This is a nude club that isn&#39;t too far from the Rhino. It opens up at around 4. No alcohol is served. This is a great place for a younger dancer to get her start. It is foreign owned, and the system is that the waitress sells the V.I.P. room for the girl. So, there is a high potential to make money here as well.<br />
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*Treasures- This is an upscale club with valet parking and a steakhouse. They have a sister club in Tx. Much like Rhino, OG, Sapphires, there are hundreds of girls that work at this club.<br />
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*Talk of the Town- located in Old Vegas where they perform the light show topless. Gd foot traffic and gd potential for mking money<br />
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Keep in mind that since the Real Estate market has been hit hard in Las Vegas that many of the conventions that were once held there have been lost and now given to other states.<br />
Translation: Loss of consumer tourism dollars. Also, Vegas is a tourist town. What does that mean. It means that there are &quot;peak times&quot; for those conventions. For example, November to April. Then traffic tapers off you have the WSOP in July and some boxing tournaments and maybe some entertainment events (concerts). But what you have to keep in mind is are those events going to bring in hundreds of thousand of people like they did in years past?<br />
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Next time, I will talk about So.Cal in my next article.<br />
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Until then pack only your necessities.<br />
*Do bring mace or a stun gun if you are traveling in an automobile alone.<br />
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*Call friends or family and let them know where you are going and for how long. Be safe.<br />
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*Oh and btw, seriously ladies! Don&#39;t leave your drinks unattended! This one is SERIOUS! GHB is big here, so be careful, EVEN if you are in groups!<br />
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*Just be mindful of your surroundings. If you are in a hotel, I would advise making use of the hotel safe to put your earnings in. This is a gambling town. Common sense dictates!<br />
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Have fun and remember you are there to learn the lay of the land and make money. Try a club and see if you like it. If you do make that you spot and plan a visit another time to return! Happy Lapping!<br />
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    13 years ago
    Nice writeup, Avalon. Too bad there isn't a "Dancer Point of View" section where it could be preserved for other gals. Instead it will just be fumbled away as time passes.
    13 years ago
    Btw, ever been to The Pussycat Lounge?
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    I used to make a twice yearly trip to Vegas but stopped going 15 years ago. Based on the reviews I have been reading lately, Little Darlings seems to be the most highly recommended Las Vegas club. I realize SR and some of the others draw a lot more people, but TUSCL reviews seem to view LD as best of the current crop.
  • kuteechaser
    13 years ago
    Lots of good points Avalon. However, I have yet to hear about the theft that occurs among the strippers being addressed. Are there ways to keep the money earned and belongings safe in the clubs???
  • kailee100
    13 years ago
    I'm new to Vegas but not new to the industry. Avalon is correct- DO NOT come here without your A-game. Incidentally, A-game has only 10% to do with looks. Looks will get you in the door and looks will get you SOME dances. Your A-Game should also include self-confidance, tenacity, persistence, endurance, and the willingness to ask over and over and over and over again for dances without becoming discouraged. In many of the larger clubs, men are asked to buy dances the second they walk in the door, so many are on automatic "no" mode for the first hour or two. The sucessful dancer finds ways around the automatic no.

    Be willing to be flexible. Avalon mentioned that at the Rhino the prime time is 9pm. All girls want to be hired onto the 9pm shift. But Vegas is a late town and the money never really begins to roll in until 2 or 3 am no matter what club you are in. Treasures and OG's are comfirmed late clubs too, with the action not beginning until 12am MINIMUM. If you are willing to come late and stay late (like 8 in the morning), you can make money in Vegas. Also, if you can travel here Tue - Thu during convention times you will probably make more than you would on the weekend when there are 3x as many dancers. Good luck!
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