e-string divas
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1. hobostripper.com<br />
A tale of a traveling dancer and her live-in van.<br />
Sample: "I've been playing in the woods, smoking fish, doing phone sex, failing at sugar daddies (but learning a lot!), making medicine, and blogging...<br />
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2. angrystripper.wordpress.com<br />
Highly entertaining no-pants rants.<br />
Sample: "Today on the lunch/happy hour shift, I sat with a BP engineer, and all I kept thinking was, Shouldn't you be working on that little catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico? Why are you getting chicken quesadillas and lap dances at a strip club in the middle of a workday?"<br />
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3.strippertweets.tumblr.com<br />
Stripper musings on stripper law<br />
Sample: "Thanks for nothing, litigious bitches and asshole attorneys!! I hope your lame five-figure settlements were worth fucking over thousands of strippers."<br />
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4. katstories.tumblr.com<br />
The smartest of the bunch. Lady is funny!<br />
Sample: "In the same week that a regular asked me what the problem was when my nipples weren't hard (he asked as though I was failing to perform and needed a prescription for Enzyte), another customer remarked that Bubbles had strong kegels, instead of adductors."<br />
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5. The Other Side of the Rail<br />
A customer obsessively undresses strip club culture. <br />
Sample: "There is one type of customer I've been running into recently I can't stand: The Strip-Club-Stud-Muffin..To leave the tip on the rail and walk back to his table would be cheating the dancer of the chance to bask in his awesomeness. Good f'n grief, man, it's just a dollar bill. It's not like she's going to be able to retire early now. Don't stand there like the Pope."<br />
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