Why Strippers are Sharks in their Environment
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The next time you're in a large strip club, just remember all those dancers pacing around the strip club are looking for their next meal to feast upon. You could be a juicy piece of meat. Throwing money around in a strip club is similar to spewing blood in the water. You'll attract attention from sharks all over the strip club.<br />
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You can be a shark hunter. Let the sharks come to you and it's up to you to get the best dancers or best deal. If the deal offered doesn't seem sweet enough, you can always swat them away in a tactful way and they'll come back offering a better deal if you haven't already found it. Sharks will keep swarming around a good piece of meat spewing out blood even if it keeps swatting them away. It's the nature of the shark.<br type="_moz" />
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That said, I have borne witness to a big fish "hemorrhaging" at a $10 a dance club of all places. Found out from one of the dancers (later on) he comes in every few weeks and drops $2k or so a time. So of course multiple gals congregate at his table for drinks and dance requests. I'm just glad I'm not the one footing a $2k bill!
And you're the only bait in town</font></font>
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Imagine what thick skin you have to have to go up to table after table, guy after guy, looking for dances. They can deal with rejection, with slimy customers, with the shy, the aggressive, the cheapskates - To survive they develop a great deal of wisdom and insight, and they have to actually (despite jabs to the contrary) have a lot of self-esteem to be successful at it. Strippers have to have lots of character and fortitude to be able to do what they do well, and I respect them for it.<br type="_moz" />