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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
Trying to make OTC happen, what do y’all think?
Yes. Additional time in VIP, I’ll tip her a little extra, especially when she’s on stage, and I’ll buy her some drinks. She gets friskier and cuddlier when she’s toasty, as I’m sure most dancers do. Despite all I’ve spent, I wouldn’t say I’m getting UHM, but she did earnestly try and want to make me bust and she does make me feel like a king. I just need to step my game up to see if she’s actually willing to do more. I am learning and there are plenty of strippers in the sea. I appreciate your input
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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
Trying to make OTC happen, what do y’all think?
Rickmacrodong, that’s a pretty compelling argument about the SO. But there’s no way to screen for that unless you outright ask and that’s just weird. They’re not going to talk about that in any way, shape or form, they know it’s going to kill the fantasy and therefore their sales. To answer your previous question, an hour in the VIP is $300 and that’s where most of my money has gone with her: time in VIP. So by your standards, I’m getting very little bang for my buck, despite the fact I’m still having a good time, just longing for more. It’s not like I’m disappointed with my mileage, *unless* I come to find out she never had any intention of OTC and it was just a carrot on a stick. I just have to not be afraid of offending a dancer by politely communicating what I really want after some rapport and comfortability has been established. Otherwise, she’s going to work as little as possible to get my money and just offer platitudes to get me coming back.
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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
Trying to make OTC happen, what do y’all think?
With everything y’all are saying I should expect, this either isn’t an extras club, or she’s banking on me being shy and not asking for more. There are cameras in the VIP, but that hasn’t stopped her from breaking some of the alleged rules with me and I’ve seen other customers in the VIP “break the rules“ too. Just not to the extent that you’re saying. I would consider dick out to be UHM and I’ve only gotten and am aware of other customers getting VHM/OTP/ITP. Although with her previously trying to get me to cum, I’d consider that an extra. I can always ask her in person if we can do more ITC. I have no idea if she has an SO and I don’t care to ask. Probably a little too personal and I simply don’t care one way or the other. I’m not trying to date her, I just want to have as much fun as I possibly can. I understand this can limit my maximum fun, but I still enjoy my time with her, even if she’s not whipping it out. Ideally, that’s what I want, but I can still have a good time with her and try again with other dancers, be more assertive and see where it takes me. I just won’t be spending as much on her if I can conclusively determine I’m not going to get any further. I’ll be direct over text and put the ball in her court to give me a definitive answer about a specific date/time. Her answer, or lack thereof, will tell me where I stand. If she agrees, great, I’ll just be up front with what I would like for the sushi date and ask what she needs from me to make that happen. If not, I’ll hold off on her club for a little while, go back, meet some other dancers while changing my game up and seeing if I’m successful with OTC or even ITC. I just need to get to scheduling something immediately once it’s offered to see if it’s genuine. When I take new dancers to VIP, I can just straight up ask if I can please do xyz. I can always get VIP time with the current dancer and know that it will be fun, just not too much fun. The purpose of SCing is to enjoy oneself, right? So as far as I’m concerned, I’m doing alright. I’m enjoying my time, enjoying the chase and anxious to try out new things and see what the results are
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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
Trying to make OTC happen, what do y’all think?
The sushi date would not cost that much unless she’s intentionally picking the most extravagant things on the menu and lots of them. She’d have to be bursting at the seams to rack up that kind of bill. But I suppose it’s definitely still possible. I did a little DATY, she did not let it continue very long. It was more like a tease at the end of the dance right before close. She put her mouth on the tip, but that was a tease too. When she was really trying to get me off, it was all OTP, hands, tits, ass & crotch. There was LFK and we were sucking each other’s nipples too. The touching was mostly one-way, but she was very aggressive and all over me with every part of her body. She said some things and with her movements, her intent was definitely to make me cream my pants. I’m just not as sensitive as some dudes, I rarely cum from blowjobs even. She did say she was sorry that I couldn’t cum, but that just means she’ll have to make me cum next time. Could just be SS, but then again, the intent was there last time. I have most commonly spent around $500, but last time, I bought her out for the night, which was $700. Plus drinks and tips when she was asked to go to the stage 3 times over the course of the night. I have seen her a total of 4 times
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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
Trying to make OTC happen, what do y’all think?
This seems like an alright community, thank you all for the reality checks. I am not in love with her, like I said, "...I’m not trying to be her boyfriend, I just like having fun with her and I appreciate her time and attention." She's fun to talk to and she makes me horny, I just want to hang out and then make each other cum buckets. I'm interested in P4P. I have actionable intel, I just need to stop being a little bitch.
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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
I Always Enjoy My Time at The Den
LD & VIP are topless. One of the times I recently went, it was nudie night and I was told nude has to be an air dance. I requested a regular dance instead because I would rather be touched. But that didn't stop her from pulling her thong to the side and touching me anyway, it was just short lived.
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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
Trying to make OTC happen, what do y’all think?
Thank you guys for your advice. I’ll try a more direct approach because being shy is getting me nowhere. I just feel like it’s disrespectful to straight up ask for it, but they already think I’m a PL, so what difference does it make?
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4 months ago
avatar for FoCoChronic
If she calls me a good boy, I’ll pay her bills
Trying to make OTC happen, what do y’all think?
We’ve gone to the VIP each time I’ve been there, but I’ve never gotten FS. Each time, she will do more to me and let me do more to her. This most recent time, she did ITP just to lube me up with her spit and she proceeded to do OTP with pretty much every part of her body with the intent of making me bust, but I need more stimulation than that. I know some of these terms have ambiguous definitions. How do you know then when OTC is a genuine offer? How does one get or negotiate true ITC?