I knew someone was going to mention the price so let me try to explain myself! We easily did 5 songs back there in VIP. So forget about the handy and just focused on the song count. That alone would have been $100-125. That’s the baseline.
So now add in the handy and you’re telling me you’re walking out of there for $40 total?!
TO BE CLEAR, it was $140 TOTAL including the songs/handy!
LOL sorry for the over the top description but sometimes people try to play me like I’m making stuff up so I included vivid details now of the venue.
Honestly, I really thought she was just fucking around but after she super soaked my ass I knew she was serious. The craziest part tho she called after the club drunk and was like let’s link tomorrow. Tomorrow came and I’ve never heard from again and I texted her a good 3 times. Such is life!
Comments made by MrWorldwide