
Comments by Imcall1140 (page 2)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Disappointing Saturday afternoon
    So can somebody please kindly fill me in on what The Cheetah did to alter their VIP Rooms after they were sued by an ex-entertainer who claimed that they were doing a lot of illegal activities and breaking a lot of rules in those VIP Rooms. The Cheetah was sued and that entertainer that sued them went to the news media and AJC to make her claims. I heard that since that lawsuit they altered their VIP Rooms. Can somebody please give me some very thorough details of what The Cheetah did to alter their VIP Rooms as a result of that sexual harassment and sexual assault lawsuit?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A huge waste of money.
    Did they take out that Penthouse area in the back part of the Executive Room and were those VIP Rooms removed in that back area of the Executive Room that is called the Penthouse? Also did they change the glass in the Lofts of the VIP rooms from frosted to clear? This is what I read on the AJC website. “While the Cheetah does not by this settlement admit any liability, we have carefully considered the concerns raised by Ms. Valente and have made certain changes to our practices to avoid any appearance of impropriety, including converting the doors of our VIP rooms from frosted to clear glass, eliminating the ‘Penthouse’ at the club, and reclassifying our dancers as hourly employees,” the club’s portion of the statement read. So can anybody please explain this to me because I need to know some thorough details of what they did to alter their VIP Rooms.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A huge waste of money.
    So I need some thorough details of all the changes that they did to the VIP Rooms after they were sued for unfair labor practices and sexual harassment and sexual assault in the VIP Rooms? Can anybody please fill me in on what The Cheetah did to alter their VIP Rooms after they went through that massive lawsuit? I really need to know those details in very thorough detail.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    I read cashman's post and he said that there is a good reason why no lawyer is willing to represent me on this lawsuit but he didn't explain what that good reason is on why no lawyer will take my case. So please tell me why no lawyer wants to take my case in this lawsuit if there are plenty of lawyers whom are representing clients for civil litigation in lawsuits.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    So why is it that when I talked to several lawyers that not one lawyer was willing to represent me on this lawsuit? In fact there was one lawyer that I talked to that advised me not to sue them because all that is going to happen is that I will lose this lawsuit and get countersued by The Cheetah to pay for their lawyers fees and court fees that I am making them spend money on just for them to defend themselves. I didn't listen to that advice because I needed a form of protest to get my point across to The Cheetah that I don't agree with their decision to ban me off of their property and that's the purpose of this lawsuit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    So when you guys have told me that other strip clubs can find out about this lawsuit and those other strip clubs can look up those court records and look up my pictures and have me banned off of their property as well? Then that means that The Cheetah can actually contact those clubs and tell them about me and tell them about the trouble that I caused them and how much of a headache they have been going through to deal with me? So that means that The Cheetah can actually contact those clubs for other strip clubs to have me banned off of their property as well?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    Joe Webber did you pay that $4.00 fee to get access to what they said in their answer to this lawsuit? I haven't been able to have access to that because I haven't paid the $4.00 fee.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    I didn't dismiss the lawsuit. I just dismissed two people that I named in that lawsuit. The case is still open. I have no intention of dismissing that lawsuit at all.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    If you guys want to look up my civil case against The Cheetah here it is. The case number is 21MS148970. This is a case filed in Magistrate Court in Fulton County, GA. Again the case number is 21MS148970.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    Now tell me how can other strip clubs find out about my lawsuit against The Cheetah and get involved in this lawsuit as well? How would they even be able to look up those court records and get involved in this lawsuit together with The Cheetah so that they can have me banned off of their property as well just to save them the headache that I am causing to The Cheetah by suing them? How would other strip clubs even know about this lawsuit for me to be looking at the possibility that other strip clubs can ban me off of their property as well?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    To make a long story short I have talked to several lawyers and there was no lawyer that wanted to take this case when I told them that I wanted to sue The Cheetah. There were a few lawyers that I talked to that told me that all that I will do by suing them is piss them off even more and make them not want me in their club even more. And I was told by that lawyer that advised me not to sue them because suing them would only get them even more pissed off at me than ever before is that they will definitely contersue me when I lose this lawsuit and the judge will just rule this lawsuit as frivolous when it goes to court. So please tell me why suing them only pisses them off even more and makes them not want me in their club even more? The whole purpose of this lawsuit is to use this as a form of protest and to get my point across to them that I don't agree with their decision to ban me off of their property. And to answer your question since there was no lawyer willing to take my case I went to the courthouse to file this lawsuit by myself without any lawyer to represent me on this lawsuit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?
    I filed it myself because no lawyer is willing to represent me on this lawsuit.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Typical weeknight at the cheetah
    What changes did they make to the VIP Rooms after they got sued by their dancers and had dancers make claims against them to the AJC? I need to know some thorough details of what they did to alter their VIP Rooms after they went through that lawsuit and had the media and the AJC cover that story.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Cheetah—High End and Top Talent
    What changes did they make to the VIP Rooms after they got sued by their dancers and had dancers make claims against them to the AJC? I need to know some thorough details of what they did to alter their VIP Rooms after they went through that lawsuit and had the media and the AJC cover that story.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    Get a high end air dance - Should be the Slogan
    What were the changes that were made to the VIP Rooms after they were sued by several dancers that went to the AJC and reported what went on in the VIP Rooms?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Cheetah, 6-months into COVID-19
    What were the changes that were made to the VIP Rooms after they were sued by several dancers that went to the AJC and reported what went on in the VIP Rooms?
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Cheetah Update
    So what changes did they make to the VIP Rooms after that massive lawsuit. I haven't been to The Cheetah for many years so I want so very thorough details of what they did to alter the VIP Rooms after that massive lawsuit from their dancers.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    It was a silicon prosthetic mask that looked like a face that I was using to try to deceive security into allowing me back in that club with that disguise. And this happened pre COVID that I tried to conceal my identity with a mask and fake ID. The fake ID was even a picture of me wearing a mask. They thought that I was either a burned victim or war veteran when I tried to conceal my identity and deceive them into allowing me back in their club with that disguise. The only reason why they found out my true identity underneath that disguise and the only reason why I got caught was because I took my mask off in the VIP Room to one of their dancers thinking that she was going to be on my side and I thought that she was going to try to pursuade them to reinstate me but in the end that plan backfired because she told them who I was underneath that disguise and they called the police on me and I was put in jail and they filed a trespassing warrant against me that night that they called the police on me. But to answer your question that was pre COVID when wearing a mask was not considered normal at that time and the mask that I was wearing covered my whole face because that was a big prosthetic mask that looked like a face so that I could deceive them into thinking that I was a different person.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    Yes they had me arrested there before when I tried to conceal my identity with a mask and fake ID and I took my mask off in the VIP Room to a dancer trying to get her to help me to get reinstated over there and she went to management and told on me and they called the police on me and I got busted for trying to conceal my identity with a mask and fake ID and got put in jail and they even filed a trespassing warrant with the police to have me arrested for trespassing if they ever catch me on their property again.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    Let me ask you guys this. Why is the club not willing to listen to my apologies? Why did they cut me off like they don’t want to hear my apologies when I tried to apologize to them? Why does apologizing to them not make them change their minds about not wanting me in their club? Why are they not willing to forgive me when I begged them for forgiveness and expressed remorse for my actions in their club when I wrote them those letters apologizing to them for the trouble that I caused in their club that night?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    But I am begging for somebody to tell me that has been to The Cheetah recently all the thorough details of what changes were made to the VIP Rooms at the Cheetah after their dancers sued them. All I know was that they changed the glass of the VIP Rooms in the lofts from a frosted glass to a transparent glass because that's what I read on the AJC website when I did a google search but I don't know any further details than that and that's what I'm asking somebody to fill me in on some very thorough details of all the changes made to those VIP Rooms. I am wanting to know that because I can't go back there to find out for myself what they did to alter the VIP as a result of that lawsuit.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    Well it's a long story for me to explain it. There was a dancer that I tried to get to go to the VIP Room with me that turned down my invitation to the VIP because she had another customer that she was attending to in the VIP Room. So I got mad because she didn't let me go to the VIP Room with her and made her leave her customer that she was attending to in the VIP Room. And then I sat in the club waiting for her and I saw her attending to other customers and then I walked over to her and made her feel uncomfortable and made her customers feel uncomfortable. Her customers said that I acting like as if I was her bodyguard the way that I was standing there making them feel uncomfortable. I then got so mad that I walked up to that dancer and yelled at her and intimated her that she scared look on her face. The bouncers then said that what I did was uncalled for and it crossed a line that they didn't like and they kicked me out of the club and banned me from coming back that since then I have been no longer welcome in the club. I tried apologizing to them for what I did and I tried telling them that I was sorry for what I have done and promised them that if they could allow me back in their club that I was going be on my best behavior and not cause them any more trouble but they ignored all that and they didn't listen to anything that I tried to tell them when I tried to persuade them to reinstate me and told me that they banned me off of their property and that once a decision is made to ban somebody off of their property that means that it's forever. So I have had a huge issue with them not wanting me in their club for years and I have had a huge issue with them not wanting me in their club and not wanting to listen to me trying to apologize to them for what I did and trying to express how sorry I am for what I did. I have a huge issue with them ignoring my apologies and ignoring my promises that if they could allow me back in their club that I won't cause them any more trouble. And I have huge issue with their decision to ban me to be forever like as if they think that I haven't learned my lesson from the mistake that I made. So all this is why I want to file a lawsuit against them and have them sued to court is so that I dispute that decision that they made to not want me in their club and show them that I don't agree with their decision when I sue them to court. And I am going to file that lawsuit against them to try to get that show them that I have a problem with them not wanting me in their club and to show them that I don't agree with their decision to ban me off of their property.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    I used to love The Cheetah and I used to frequent that club. But since they banned me off of their property I have a vendetta against them. That's why I'm going to sue them is because of them making a decision to not want me in their club. I tried to persuade them to reinstate me and they gave me a very hard no. The manager that I talked to told me that he won't reinstate me because once they make a decision to ban somebody off of their property that it's permanent. So I'm going to sue the club and have those people taken to court to despute their decision to not want me in their club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    I can't go back to that club because I was banned off of their property years ago over an incident that I did over there that crossed a line that they don't like. They don't want me in their club at all. Someday I'm going to sue the club over their decision to refuse service to me. That's the reason why I was asking what all the changes were made to the VIP Rooms is because I can't go back to that club.