4 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onCancun Brothels How reliable/accurate is the link you sent me? Is it a trusted source within each country? Would you use it if you went to European or any other…
4 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onHow to known when a scam comes your way? Any of you guys have a good recommendation for legitimate sites, or how to verify a provider?
4 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onHow to known when a scam comes your way? Thanks for the info. They ask anywhere from $60 to 200 up front. Wtf! Yep I'm going with my gut. Thanks
4 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onCovid19: American ExceptionalimThe US is far greater in size and population compared to Italy. And depending on the state you live in the stay at home order is interpreted and…
5 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onPunta Cana, Dominica RepublicI am new to this site. But from my understanding, if I submit a TUSCL article I will get a month of free to the site?
5 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onPunta Cana, Dominica RepublicAnyone know how it works with bring back cigars and alcohol? I am looking to bring a handful of good stuff but not sure if customs is going…
5 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onPunta Cana, Dominica RepublicLurkingdog thanks for that. I'll put my efforts into that site
5 yrs ago •Sgt2005commented onPunta Cana, Dominica RepublicI'm trying this Dominican Cupid app right now. But you have to pay to see the messages. Any one know of other good FREE apps use? Free is…