Joined Jun, 2018
Last Seen Mar, 2025

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A Guide to Inquiring About Extras in a Gentleman's ClubAll the hotties know it so best move is to approach them before others. Be upfront & ask for their menu

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Nice quick Friday night visit with a few hotties on stage and offKaylee one of my room favs

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Many New FacesSpoke to Kits mgr about booze. Said they need to work out protocols since entry age is 18+ so will need to check ID…


Kittens Cabaret
5800 4th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98108After another challenging & stressful work week, I needed to unwind. My work bud agreed so off to our favorite club Kittens.
We grabbed…
We grabbed…


Pandora's Adult Cabaret
8914 Lake City Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115It was time to blow off some steam so headed to Pans on Friday after a long work week.
Pans has a huge parking…
Pans has a huge parking…

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Anyone know how to post a pic of a dancer to ask where she dances?Other board has pic postings of dancers.
Wish this board had the same
Wish this board had the same


Déjà Vu Lake Forest Park
14556 Bothell Way NE
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155Had a challenging work week so needed relief and clear my head. I could either take a run around Greenlake or hop…

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Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors One of my ATFs finally got beached by one of her whale SDs. Bought her G wagon and swept her away to Europe…

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Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors My dancer friend said she will do take out with customers who she has a big roll and descent looking. She tried the…


Pandora's Adult Cabaret
8914 Lake City Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115Since my fav at Kittens has flown the coup, Pandoras has become my go-to. I was running errands on Saturday but needed to…


Pandora's Adult Cabaret
8914 Lake City Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115No football and won big at the casino last night so time to let it ride at Pandoras.
Was surprised the parking lot was…
Was surprised the parking lot was…

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Extras dancers and that time of the monthSimilar happened to me. Dancer said her period started but offered her backdoor so went for it. Not the same but better than…

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Slow Saturday afternoon with just the right amount of attentionSunny’s handywork is priceless & pricey

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STRIP CLUBS ARE NOT GIRLFRIEND STORES ... One Customer's PerspectiveI had a relationship with a dancer for over two years. Had amazing FS sessions at the club and OTC. We would…

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Should I stop going?Been down the same path. When I get bored with the clubs, I mix it up with the hobby providers. I’ve got couple…

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Friday Night LitePandora offers extremes - unlimited mileage MILFs or low mileage blondies.


Kittens Cabaret
5800 4th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98108After a much needed visit to the islands and beaches, it was back to reality. One of the best ways to get back…

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Her: Is there anything that I should bring?Classy outfit for going out & hot lacy one for indoor activities


Pandora's Adult Cabaret
8914 Lake City Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115My New Year’s resolutions included more traveling, eating healthier, half marathon & more hobbying. At the top of my hobby list was fav Pandoras…