I'll be OK, I got this now. It's just taken me a little time to get the overview of the whole experience in my head. And yeah, I've obviously been pegged as not looking for dances by just hanging out at the bar. It'll be different next time. :)
OK, well, I think yesterday was just an off day. I faltered in my resolve (painfully shy, dontchaknow), and didn't have to courage to get up to the stage where the action is. I need to regroup. Maybe just a day just sitting at the bar, chatting with folks, not looking for dances or anything. My therapist says that 20 seconds of courage can change your life. My ego got a bit of a bloody nose yesterday, that's all. I'm gonna win this game, at least one round of it, anyway. This is no longer about strippers. This is about pride. I WILL be back. Thanks to everyone for the kind words. :)
Well, today was...disappointing. I was down in the clubs for almost 5 hours today. My CF was there, we chatted a bit, but she wasn't as cuddly and touchy-feely as she was my last couple of visits. Told her I was really interested in a dance but she didn't seem to be feeling it. Never got the dance, but I didn't waste too much money, except what I spent on drinks. Talked to a couple of other ladies as well, but really just on a friendly sort of basis. Is it possible that I'm just too nice? Is there such a thing as a strip club friend zone? 'Cause if there is, I think I may have found it. I'm really just kinda facepalming and chuckling about this, because this is the sort of thing that could only happen to me. I've spent so much time in my life proving to women that I'm harmless that I don't know how to not be harmless. Anyway, that's how my day went. I plan on going back, because I know that every day is different, but I guess I'm now in the market for a new CF. :)
Comments made by BruGaleen