
Comments by ReverseOsmosis

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    Vantabiack: You should look into diversifying and try some pickup joints, aka non strip clubs. If you can’t go out for the evening and get a couple of phone numbers then, you’re too dependent on this stripper and it’s clouding your judgement. After seven months there is no chance for an outside the club relationship. Again, test your skills in an environment where you’re interacting with real women outside the club. See how you do. If you strike out: don’t be upset, just recognize you need to upgrade your skills. You might check out Neil Strauss’s The Game or some of the speed-seduction stuff. I think 75% of what those guys say is misogynistic bullshit but there is definitely something there in terms of bringing the right attitude and keeping a conversation going. See if you don’t get a couple of numbers a night. When you’re ready to do that you’re ready to move ahead to the next level of life. Good luck.
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    6 years ago
    “What do I do if I LDK”
    So - dumb question. what happens after the event, you come-ninjas? Never saw a guy (heading for the exits) with a big stain on his pants. That would pretty much ruin my night. What, do you put the hoagie in a ziplock bag under your pants? Wrap it in tinfoil? Jimmy-sack? Or just walk out to the car with a shit eating grin? It’s not like they hand you a towel.... or do they.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Nope, not again
    Crikit strikes again, never had that happen when I went ha