
Comments by Ceeme

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First time I’ve gotten extras in a club in over 10 years.
    Sober up from the non alcoholic drinks served at Bare.....hmmmm....ok dude.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Wishing for the good ole days
    she is still dancing, hard to believe after 15+ years. Sad in a way, but true.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    The more things change, they don't stay the same!
    RockAllNight, prices for the 4-4-3 is $136, otherwise single dances (which I dont do, only do the 4-4-3 special and I get it, just have to ask) is around $51 per dance I believe. desertclub, no shill or club add, check out all my reviews, mostly Silver Reign and Bare, occassionally Jet Strip, so those are the ones I have reviewed over the years. Albeit pandemic and post pandemic not visiting as frequently. BELAX continues to be the easiest and local choice, albeit I dont believe the quality and quantity of the dancers has come close to the pre pandemic hey days. So no, no shill and certainly no club. Where are your reviews, maybe contribute then comment.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Any former dancers returned?
    Sounds like we all agree, MAXX was awesome. MAXX, Misha, two of my favorites from BELAX for sure, I would also include Layna, another gem.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Undecided either way
    Club pretty much sucks these days, better options elesewhere. Sad but true, Silver Reign used to be the bomb.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Los Angeles
    Back at My Current Fave
    Mule, spot on review. The dancer turn over can be my one annoying fact, but hey, its across the board, and change is inevitable. I find BE to be very consistent in that they offer specials, regularly, consistently, the dancing area options provide privacy, they almost always have a full line up on the dayshift, what more can you ask for. Thanks for the review.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mediocre Quality except for the Chosen One.
    Beatrix used to work consistently during the dayshift, havent seen her in some time. The Russian dancers at BE come and go, but at times, completely agree it seems almost overboard. And as Mule says, I have never been refused the 4-4-3, always ask, its a staple there and most of the dancers know its the drill. It is one of the better aspects at BE, if they stopped that policy, would be game over.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I stopped by today, will add another review; but one quick comment, the turnover in dancers here has changed the dynamics here, and have to say, may be for the worse. I am going to stop going until I see either some of the better regulars showing up, or if they have come and gone, then maybe will try Jet or venture farther out of LA altogether. Yes, well aware that dancers come and go; but having been going to BELAX for better than a decade, the regulars used to stay longer, newbies would come and go, would try them out, the normal rotation of regulars and newbies, moving some regulars down the order, adding the good new dancers up, etc. Now? Well, today was a disappointment, so plan will be to add this review, and move on from BELAX for awhile. Hard to stop completely, but certainly will try to add other locales into the mix, give BELAX a well deserved rest, and hope that either management finds a way to keep the good ones around, or the good ones stay. I was asked by a dancer today to do OTC, and it was with one that I would have never expected to hear it from. So, maybe the changes in the employment laws are causing more damage to the SC industry than I previously gave it credit for.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I have found that 4play is a solid club, and from an attractive standpoint, very impressive for sure. However, other clubs such as BE do provide patrons in my experience, with more options, at least weekdays and nights. The club has more specials, offers up those most of the time, a large selection, and over the years, their own attractive dancers as well. Price points, lets be honest, are on par with other LA clubs. None of which compare favorably to COI from a cost perspective. So to each their own.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift Visit
    Agreed, and yes, if you've been clubbing long enough, you have good days/visits, and bad days/visits. Chalk it up as one of the good days. Thanks RiskA
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift Visit
    Just call it as I see it. Most of the time, good experience, but then again, no place is perfect.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Place is dead from 5-9 pm
    That sucks, havent noticed the driveway bandits before, but agree would head to JS too if ran into that. The day shift around 1pm to 3pm is normally when I go, and it tends to be strong, but havent been that late afternoon to evening in years but good info.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift Visit
    Not sure where that thought comes from, desertscrub, but far from it. If you gather that from reading my review, maybe check all the other reviews I have written about either BE or Silver Reign. I tend to only go to those clubs, with an occasional stop at Jet Strip, primarily because they are just more geographically friendly to my office. I do have very few complaints about BE, with the exception of the dancer turnover (which happens most everywhere unfortunately). I try to be honest with my comments, want to provide the reader with the current assessment of the club as best I can. I have zero affiliation with any club, so I will take the comment as just an observation, to each their own. Happy to provide any other details from my experiences over the years there or at Silver Reign, Jet Strip, 4 Play, etc (clearly more of a west LA PL).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Los Angeles
    My Second Favorite Club Pulls Into 1st Place (for now)
    Good intel, thanks, might have to make a stop there soon.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Slow Sunday Stop
    Harderlap, its 4 dances 4 the price of 3.... 4-4-3
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    5 girls, the DJ and me
    Was in west LA last week, stopped by, not a single customer for the hour I was there (mid week, early afternoon). Years past, noon to about 1:30pm you would get the lunch time business people stopping by for the day shift regular. And picked up again from 3pm to about 6pm. The night shift would start showing up around 6pm to 7pm. The past year or so, maybe last two to three years, something went terribly wrong here. I have stopped by periodically anywhere from noon to 5pm, and almost without fail, at best one customer, maybe two, and most of the the time, nada. Sad sad sight to see, this place will either change ownership or close. New management this year, and they completely jacked the prices around, already was bad , now even worse. Not worth it, just old habits hard to break.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Quick Friday Stop
    Varies for sure; but havent been there in some time at night. So mostly day shift, and there have been times where the DJ gets distracted, leaves the both, and the song can go and go. Not always of course, but my experience has been more often than not, full length songs, and if early enough in the shift where dancers still getting ready, people eating lunch, best time to go for the 4-4-3, Dj forgets, no one guarding the entrance, etc.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great quality near LAX
    In the afternoon, its not $20 to get in; its $5 to park assuming the parking attendant is even there, and $6 cover to get in.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Great Monday
    Yeah, just read this again, the term "stole the cake" is an odd expression, but who knows. And, to say Misha has the most perfect tits, a little hard to understand given I have danced with her many many times, and think she is fantastic, but the tits are not the selling point there so hardly "perfect"... but as we all know, beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder... so to each his/her own.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    5 girls, the DJ and me
    So for years, the "rule" there was if no one there, or if only one patron, no stage dances. You would have to ask. When a few customers show up, they would start the rotation. Weird, but just the way they rolled. Recently they changed things around a bit, no more topless, and prices higher. Now, what used to be the topless area next to the DJ, is nude and starts at $40 per song, that is the economy section. The area straight in the back facing the stage, also nude, might be a tad higher price. The area in the corner near the bar, is now all VIP, $300 for the area to the right, and the dark far corner to the left, 30 minute min and $600 +. There is always someone at the bar, and they are back to asking to buy the dancers a drink too, so might have been between shifts. Day shift can be slow, many times the only customer, and sometimes they might have only 1-2 dancers, other times, 6-8. Quality blows, and now with the new management, new rules, and continues to go in the wrong direction here.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Best little strip club in LA
    Jeff, you have done three reviews, and commented over 50 times. How about you contributing a little bit, then mouth off. I go to BE and SR mostly, and over the years, have visited Jet as well, but tend to stick to the two I review. I have followed the protocol around here which tends to not mention names. However, at BE, favorites over the years were Maya, long since gone, and have had dances with Alicia, Layna, Lisa, Misha, Ana, Chyna, Kimia, Renee, Carmen, and many others. At SR, Naomi, Taylor, Essence, Holly, Lily, Chloe, Montana, Ava and again, many others, and most of those I named dont work there anymore which is why my comments reflect what I see there at the time. If you would like more details then send me a message, otherwise you should contribute rather than just sponge off of the work of others.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Grave yard
    Years ago, would have highly recommended it; but the past year or so, despite me wanting it to improve, just not happening. I wouldn't waste the time, and doubt you would walk in and spend any money on what little talent they have anyway, so not saving you money you wouldn't have spent, but saving the time.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Honestly ... Don’t bother
    Sad but true, and day or night. Talent has declined significantly, and shows by the lack of customers 24/7. Guess all good things come to an end.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Always delivers
    Yeah well it included kissing, DFK, roaming allowed where wanted, reciprocated, etc. So you can dislike the term, but the use of which here was I believed appropriate.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Time to close
    You are correct about day shift in general; my disappointment in this case is that this club has continued to decline, month after month, for the past several years. At its peak, day shift here was the bomb, with great dancers, etc. I have watched this club, as a former regular for well over a decade and would visit at all hours of the afternoon, has gone down hill, and its just a shame to watch. Good news there are other clubs that continue to evolve, improve, change with the times, that I have become more of a regular at, but I can't help but walk into this club and recall the great times, great dancers, that one could have during the day.