Comments by mr_frank_booth
discussion comment
7 years ago

Wall Street
You just need to slap the bitch around, demand your bourbon, and then tell her not to fucking look at you. Got it?
discussion comment
7 years ago

joc13 - you sound like a man with a plan. You and the wife have an open relationship? I'm still trying to figure out what I want to get into this weekend.
discussion comment
7 years ago

That's a pussy challenge. How 'bout this, go out with your CF instead, but send your wife a text saying you'll be home late.
discussion comment
7 years ago

Cleveland, Ohio
It depends on the girl and it depends on what you want. I once paid a girl to watch the movie blue Velvet with me, nothing more, just because I liked the girl and i like watching the movie. And though there are many things about that "relationship" I regret, that date isn't one of them. I had fun.
I think there's a fine line between letting her know what you want and making sure you don't insult her. Especially if she's new to OTC. I begin to gauge my chances based on how physical she is in the club. If I think it might work then I usually offer dinner but make it known that a hotel room will be involved later on (sometimes they don't even want dinner). I also ask if she's ever OTC before, and if she has, I ask if it was an enjoyable experience. I don't go any further than this until she inquires about price, and then I tell her about my expectations.
discussion comment
7 years ago

SJG - don't you fucking look at me!
discussion comment
7 years ago

They never tell you what you need to know.
shailynn - don't be a good neighbor to the new troll - I'll send you a love letter straight to your heart!
discussion comment
7 years ago

@taxi, don't be a good neighbor to that girl or I'll send you a love letter straight to your heart.