
Comments by recass

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club
    Thanks guys I figured as much just kinda curious you guys have great info I can hardly wait
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
    Take That For Daty, But Don't Fall For Her
    great review !!!!!!!
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Hong Kong Is A Very Good Club
    All stripclubs have a high turn over rate. The point I was trying to make is stop judging each others reviews some of the info that each person post can be useful to someone the purpose of the reviews should be to help those behind you to have a good time. But some of you guys have mentioned some sharks in HK like the stripper from LA who was asking for 40 extra for VIP service I am sure that everyone wants to avoid her at all cost.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Hong Kong Is A Very Good Club
    Most if not all of the reviews are like this even the ones with whole lot of supposed details. None the the reviews give any details of any actual dancers.Most of them focus on crossing the border the hotel the shaving cream show or the waiters including naming some but no one to my knowledge has ever given one stripper name bad or good experiences. Most of these so called reviews for the most part are just annoymous bragging sessions. IMO