Joined Oct, 2017
Last Seen Dec, 2019

Yea,but even number 5000 can find a tight one hereYea,but even number 5000 can find a tight one here occasionally.


Sugar 44 Cabaret
4420 E Thomas Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85018I found myself coming back from Scottsdale to my West Valley home trying to avoid the freeways. Looked on here and found that Sugar…

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Moral DilemmaYou should be concerned because who knows what a drugged up chick will do when money is tight. Video the next meet up, but…

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Why it's hard to eradicate ROBsWe have developed an entitlement society, ROB's are everywhere around us !!! More and more people want something for doing nothing and use intimidation…

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CumDumpster @ Follies, GAHeading to ATL area and Follies in two weeks. Will do some recon on this one.

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Better than ExpectedExcellent, informative review by a trusted member. Looks like I need to visit this little club.

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Same old same oldStrange. ..I recall the VIP area behind the stage having partitions between seating and facing the stage.

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65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient iSo teachers are striking for more money, yet look at what their work is producing. Another impact is "smart devices make for dumb people".

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When will The HiLiter learnHey @ppwh, engage your brain before commenting !!! You are not in the review section, but the Discussion area. But as we see, you…

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When will The HiLiter learnHAHAHA !!!! I will tell her you asked about her. BTW....She is doing great and business is growing at her new location. Management…

When will The HiLiter learnJust sharing info about the latest example of poor management decisions at The HiLiter in Phoenix that will result in the target getting bigger.


Raider's Reef
6475 E. Golf Links Road
Tucson, AZ 85730Found myself in the southern part of AZ, so after getting settled in my room decided to hit SC to compare it to PHX…

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Never GoNot really a strip club. More like a tourist clip joint !!!!! AVOID....AVOID.....AVOID!!!

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Not Sure If It Will Ever Be BackI hate to say I warned everyone, but I got hammered as a troll/fraud when I made observations. No apology required for the uneducated…

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Follies sues The City of Chamblee over police raid.Cops will say tactical gear needed, due to reports of drug use and dealers allowed in club. They had to show strength as security…

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Closed Sunday NightBlonde, thin with shoulder length hair. Mid 20's. Should be at BSC or Sugar 44.

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Closed Sunday NightClosed Easter Sunday for sure. Have heard they may be closed, to the public, on Sunday nights in the future to accommodate private…

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A Shadow Of It's FormerYou must have gotten there after the BJ queen and her two blow bang friends left. Got to get there at opening to get…

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Nice Little Club.Little club is correct, but gin can be had with the right dancer. Ask if they have ever worked at other clubs like HL.....might…

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Two Visits In Two DaysAgree, I was there Sunday and Anastasia (Latin with long, curly blonde hair. B cups) wanted to please in VIP but that idiot kept…

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The cost of just going to a clubNever more than $10 since I get free cover, no parking fee, 2 for 1 drinks, tip only the bartender, and one floor guy…

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Where Have All The Good Times Gone??Welcome to the new HiLiter (maybe a name change coming like LoLifers).
Nikita, Charlie, and Nikki all retired to better lives.
Amanda can be found at…
Nikita, Charlie, and Nikki all retired to better lives.
Amanda can be found at…


Candy Store
18613 N Cave Creek Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85050Was in the north valley for work, so had a choice of sitting in traffic staring at brake lights or sitting inside staring at…

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Another Chapter Of Hopefully, your info is correct and the prick is gone for good. Too bad most of the quality that made HL is already…