
Comments by Darkhorse23

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Houston, TX
    Onyk , Foxxy's or Gold diggers. Which one would you recommend?
    After having a week to think it over and assess where i'm at in my life common sense finally kicked back in and i've decided that i'm going leave strip clubs alone and stick to escorts. You guys were right all it would lead to is deep frustration and wasted money. Thanks again guys. ...peace
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    7 years ago
    Houston, TX
    Onyk , Foxxy's or Gold diggers. Which one would you recommend?
    @Papi_Chulo I appreciate your comments especially the last one. In all honesty i don't really care about your racial background, i just felt I was being attacked(and on a personal note i've had some bad dating experiences that i'm trying to move on from) and my ego took over. In retrospect I shouldn't have done that, especially being that i'm an AA male myself. With that being said I apologize. You're right though, having the right mindset is important and knowing what you want is most important. For me i'm interested basically in the sexual experiences paid for or "free" doesn't really to me though pulling an attractive stripper would be quite an accomplishment for someone like me. Anyway as i research this site and read many of these past discussions i'm realizing there is so much about this world i know nothing about so it would be wise for me to listen to those with more experience. With that being said i appreciate you for giving it to me straight. I'll take everything you have shared with me and keep that in mind when I start going in a few months. No malice or "war of words" will be had going forward. We're good.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Things you've learned in life because you go to strip clubs
    A lot of wisdom on this page....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Houston, TX
    Onyk , Foxxy's or Gold diggers. Which one would you recommend?
    @Big Teezy Understood bro i get where you coming from. @TFB Thanks for the well wishes. Yeah i like certain type of women so i'm just trying to go too as many places where they are to try and pull on. @Cashman1234 My intention is not go in there and empty my bank account, i'm fully aware i'm not financially in the place that many of you older guys are to be spending money like that. Thank you for the well wishes though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Houston, TX
    Onyk , Foxxy's or Gold diggers. Which one would you recommend?
    Well honestly guys i wasn't saying anything about going in there and spending my whole check, i just wanted to check out the scene and see what it's about. Yes the direction of the answers kinda took me back so that did offend me somewhat, but i do appreciate the honest advice though. My friend i was referring to even gave it to me straight saying that no matter how good looking, charismatic or whatever you are, there is always someone in there with more of those qualities than you so don't go in there thinking you going be special because those girls are all about money at the end of the day. Nonetheless date a stripper that was probably me talking out of my neck, but i would like to sleep with one, actually many of them....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Houston, TX
    Onyk , Foxxy's or Gold diggers. Which one would you recommend?
    Millenial sensibilities? Really man? How condescending of you smh, but expecting anything less from a "white hispanic" guy in his mid 40's would be silly of me. I personally never understood that "logic" either. How are you both white and hispanic at the same time, i always felt people who claim that suffer from some type of identity crisis but i digress. To answer your question though, one of my closet friends shared with me the amount of strippers he's had sex with on many occasions. So anyway taking account his experiences with strippers and seeing as strippers tend to be GENERALLY more physically attractive/sexually appealing than most women giving strip clubs another look sparked my interest, and yes i was referring to actually going into one and trying to pull numbers from a few that I really like. After all they are still women at the end of the day..right?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Houston, TX
    Onyk , Foxxy's or Gold diggers. Which one would you recommend?
    Wow i'm actually regretting that i posted my question, you guys really do a lot of assuming on here. When did i imply i didn't have "game" to get women in real life. I really didn't want to get in full detail about myself but i'm new to this city, and just finished school back in Jan 2016 out of the state so simply now that i'm in Houston to stay(my parents live out here)i'm trying to go to many places in Houston to give myself the best chance to be seen and choose, and also find women of interest to me. And yes i'm introverted which simply means i'm not a big club or bar person. That's never been my thing, but i do realize if i want to meet the type of women that i'm interested in, then i gotta get out the house more. Thanks anyway to those who actually stuck to my question instead of diverting into who i am, and my pulling capabilities.