
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 61)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    A Question To Nicespice:
    @nicespice in real life do customers ask if you have a dick before getting dances? How about if you like liver and onions?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @san_jose_creep you really need to reset and rethink your conclusions on strippers based on those two encounters. In both cases you made ASSUMPTIONS on their intentions and simply misread what was being said. And in both cases you again didn't outright prove anything and validate all those ASSUMPTIONS. And by validate I mean actually go on a date with them or understand exactly why, by direct and open communication with them, they didn't want to get together. For example with the Cathy story you posted this: "So she said, "*I* don't go out with customers." Now it would take me some years to really understand her meaning..." At that moment if you were confused you should have outright asked if it meant that she would go out with you specifically if you simply weren't her customer. That would have ended all SPECULATION right there, through direct and open communication. If she said yes, then you could have told her you'd stop going to the club immediately and set up a date. If she said no, then she might have had other reasons why she didn't want to go out with you without being a customer. Instead you took years to TRY and figure out what she really meant but by then she was long gone so you DON'T REALLY KNOW her true intentions with you. In my experience a woman wants a man that she can trust. So if you are completely open and say exactly what you want with no ambiguity and listen and understand exactly what she wants with no ambiguity, you will eliminate misunderstandings and false conclusions with each other. If you can get to this point with a real woman in real life, it can be a good thing if she really wants to be with you. If she trusts you and really loves you she will be there for you every morning. 7 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "She wanted to see me outside. But she said it would take a few days. I think now this was about AuntFlo visiting. She declined to give out her phone number, but she said she would call me. I had given her my work phone number. Then about 4 days later she did call. I picked up the phone and there she was. At my work place that would not be really so cool. Mostly male company and other married guys were not fooling around, and our bosses would not approve. So I freaked and I told her to call me back. She never forgave me for this, would never talk to me again, except once when I got her sister on the Brass Rail telephone and the sister got her." ^^^ @san_jose_creep once again you are just SPECULATING about Irma's intentions with this quote and the full post about her. First of all, the mention about Aunt Flo visiting her is again just something you are ASSUMING. She never said that she's on her period, right? Again you don't know. And furthermore sometimes women use the Aunt Flo excuse to AVOID having to have sex with a man. It's a convenient out without having to outright say they just don't want to have sex. And it's not like you're going to be able to prove it. And then her calling you at work again proves nothing. You said nothing about what she actually said to you on that call. Again just like Cathy, she could have been calling to see if you were going to the club as a customer. You again have NO IDEA and only know she later never wanted to talk to you again. And the reasons are UNKNOWN. Just because you asked her to call back later isn't a reason for her to get mad enough to never want to talk again. It's common for someone to ask to be called back. Happens all the time. Getting mad about it doesn't. LOL are you sure Irma wasn't just creeped out by you and was calling to tell you to leave her the fuck alone because you kept creeping her ITC? Like the Cathy story, you learned nothing concrete about Irma and what she really wanted.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "So what I learned, if you are not going for P4P, not offering money or acting like she can be bought, and are open and honest, the girls was likely to be just putty in your hands. Now I did not see her again, I was not really prepared to finish what I had started, but I did most certainly learn from it." ^^^ @san_jose_creep you really didn't learn anything here with Cathy. Everything you posted in your first post is complete speculation on your part. You never actually went out with her and you never actually talked to her about what she really wanted with you, so you really don't know anything about her true intentions. Again you only SPECULATE about what you THINK she wanted. And without actually ever going out with her you will NEVER know the truth. When she left that message that she wanted to see you it could have easily meant that you should just go back to the club. You said she was at the club when she left that message, right? Therefore it stands to reason that she simply wanted you to come back to the club as her CUSTOMER. She never said she wanted to see you on an OTC date and you never actually went out on one and you never actually talked about it specifically. Again you drew a conclusion about her based on pure SPECULATION. And just because she saw a black hooker rubbing up on you ITC might have easily been because you weren't simply being her customer. Strippers are always trying to keep customers that are potential regulars. She left that message to come see her ITC so she might have been glaring and snappy with you because she thought you'd be tipping her exclusively. Again she was counting on you to be her CUSTOMER. Sorry, but your first post doesn't prove anything that you learned about a woman. It just proves that there could be alternate reasons for why she did what she did. Without you actually dating her we will never know which reasons are correct.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @TFP LOL but then when she calls you on your bluff then you have to find another excuse. I just say no thanks right now and if I change my mind I'll give them a wave to come over again. LOL I remember a stripper that took out a butt plug for me. Brazilian and Irish mix. Brazilian ass for sure. But on a petite body and so fit. She did Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for exercise. Her ass was so thick I didn't see the butt plug until she twerked on stage. That simple black string thong was so sexy until I saw the jeweled plug. Total deal breaker. She had no problem taking it out before we got dances. LOL anytime you mention thongs in a thread it makes me think of a story.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    By the way @san_jose_creep do you know we are similar PLs now? We are now both PLs that don't go to strip clubs in real life anymore! And we started similarly too! Both PLs in the Bay Area in the 90s. At the time it was behind my wife's back, again just like you! I used to go to the Brass Rail and DejaVu and Market St. Cinema too. That said, I never went to an AMP, so we are different in that regard. But I nitpick. Anyway I just realized all this. Our PL journeys are kind of like "A Tale of Two PLs". LOL they were the best of times and the worst of times, no? But when our wives caught us is when I think our PL paths started to diverge. Your wife divorced you and my wife didn't. Also I never thought of marriage as a death trap. She stuck by me and we worked things out. And I always thought marriage is a commitment as per my vows. I remember getting busted the first time too. I was going into AJs Girls and she drove by as I was at the entrance and we saw each other. I'll never forget the look on her face! One of my worst nights ever in our marriage. So anyway, as mentioned we worked things out. Over the years I still went to strip clubs but I also had long spells of not going. She allowed it at times and then she wasn't comfortable during other times. She busted me more than once but she also stayed with me and we always worked things out. We also went to clubs together in Portland during one phase. Fast forward to today and basically going to clubs has lost its luster. It's just not as exciting and fun. Also in retrospect doing it behind her back isn't healthy. The guilt wore me out and she deserves better. I can give her better and am committed to it. Am I perfect? Hell no! Can I say I'll never club again? Hell no as well! All I know is that I want to be waking up in the morning with this woman for the rest of my life. So now we are once again similar PLs by not going to clubs but yet still posting to TUSCL! Our journeys have come full circle back to each other. I've always thought of you as a cautionary tale for all married PLs. An example of what can happen if you take clubbing and mongering too far. And now I can say I have learned from you as applicable to my own marriage. So with all this, I hope you can realize that every marriage is different, it's not always a death trap and can be a wonderful thing. Also not all women are the same, so there are no formulas or "systems" to get you to waking up in the mornings with one. You just gotta have an open mind, empath and the ability to admit your own faults. This is my own learning about strip clubs and a woman.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @TFP are panties seriously a deal breaker for you? In all cases? LMFAO you know you can make one out of the panties? Call it a "PL's wedgie". šŸ˜‚
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @san_jose_creep as stated if we ever meet F2F you should take me up on that stage massage at AJs. I don't know if they still do it like back when you actually went to strip clubs in real life, but for $5 you would sit in a chair on the stage while a hot bikini babe gave you a shoulder rub for a few min. It would be my Final Rebuke to you. Because you seriously need to relax, bro. Lighten up a little. TUSCL PLs have their own lives outside of the boards. What we say and do here has zero impact on real life. It's just an internet forum of mindless banter. Not that important. But with you you get overly violent and so intense about that privacy wall that doesn't matter one bit. You're waaaay too invested in it and take TUSCL too seriously. So get out and live a little in real life. You life isn't going to change for the worse just because anonymous people know that you are homeless and broke in San Jose. Go out and actually meet a woman in real life instead of constantly pontificating that you know exactly how to get with one and making excuses for how your marriage failed. 6 days a week. Year after year. Time for you to break the cycle, no?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @san_jose_creep continually hiding behind your faux privacy wall is part of that cycle that you need to break. You life isn't going to change for the worse just because anonymous people know that you are homeless and broke in San Jose. Go out and actually meet a woman in real life instead of constantly pontificating that you know exactly how to get with one and making excuses for how your marriage failed. 6 days a week. Year after year. Time for you to break the cycle, no?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    san_jose_creep you might want to think about everything that I've posted and reflect on it. Hopefully you'll go out and actually meet a woman in real life instead of constantly pontificating that you know exactly how to get with one and making excuses for how your marriage failed. 6 days a week. Year after year. Time for you to break the cycle, no?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    ^^^ LMAO you find realness under the facade of fantasy? You might want to rethink this one from a logical reading comprehension standpoint. Spoiler alert - both a fantasy and facade are things that don't reflect reality. And using them both doesn't constitute a double negative. Definition of fantasy... ...the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable. Definition of facade... ...an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality. šŸ¤­šŸ¤”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "How did he move from a few reasonable encounters with strippers to creating a bizarre sex cult? It seems like a huge jump." ^^^ @Cashman remember those initial encounters were in the 90s and his organization posts started around the mid 10s. It hasn't been a huge jump. It's been a steady mental deterioration over years. And you can actually see it if you bother to read his threads and posts from when he joined TUSCL to now. I have done this somewhat and if I recall, his earliest posts don't mention the organization. They are moreso his actual AMP whore encounters and issues with the institution of marriage. He even has a few about actual encounters with his ex. It's only later in his thread history and posts that you start seeing the organization mentioned. This is a summary that doesn't do justice to what I'm saying, but I promise you if you study his threads and posts, the deterioration of his mind over years is all there as proof.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    I think icee uses TUSCL for psychological issues as well. She just doesn't post like san_jose_creep in a solid block of time. Her issue is her guilt from using drug addicted stripper whores for financial and sexual gain. And she's miserable because these are the only relationships that she can sustain. So she comes on TUSCL to psychologically elevate herself over PLs that do extras and are P4P. To her they are an easy target and trolling them makes her feel better about herself. And just like san_jose_creep she's gotta keep repeating herself. About every month she creates a thread to aggrandize that she "dates" stripper whores while the rest of TUSCL has to pay. On a regular basis in all threads she finds a way to chime in about either how stripper whores love her and she doesn't have to "pay" them or how all other TUSCLers do. Just like san_jose_creep it's done over and over and over again. šŸ¤·
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    Wish me Luck
    Good luck to you, gSteph. If you never get a lapdance again, you'll still have all those mammaries to look back on. Not having cancer trumps not getting lapdances any day, every day.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    ^^^ Hey icee why don't you post something constructive and be a role model in this thread? Maybe do it in between your trolling of others in other threads? And BTW I'm just posting per the thread topic. Sorry if you're butthurt but that's on you. Maybe ignore the comments if you don't like them. Lastly, don't you have me on ignore? Don't forget to put me back on it and pretend again until the next time you read and reply to my posts, clown. šŸ¤­šŸ¤”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Alec Baldwin Shoots his cinematographer, movie director
    Just watched the interview too. I agree it was highly produced and it was scripted. Also his crying and the remorse he feels was genuine. I felt sorry for him. I was glad to hear that some actors only trust themselves with checking the gun, but I was still WTF about how others, like Baldwin, trust the armorer or prop guy to check. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The fact that it was always fine for 40 years prior in Baldwin's career is a poor excuse. Releasing the hammer is still a negligent discharge as far as I'm concerned. It's just taking out the "middle man" being the trigger. Same rules of gun safety apply, as cocking and releasing the hammer is still a means to fire that type of gun. Again maybe if he understood the firearm's physics better, he wouldn't have released it like he did. I also thought he came close to saying it was her own responsibility that the gun was pointed at her because she was asking him to do it as the cinematographer. In my book, still not OK to point a gun you didn't personally check yourself at another person. Still shouldn't point a gun at someone that you don't intend to shoot. The fact that they say it's OK doesn't mean you should do it. Ultimately it reaffirmed my view of the lackadaisical nature of movie set gun safety. I know hindsight is 20-20 but really it's just bad. The actor still needs to be that last line of defense in the safety so he should have training and a lot more responsibility. And Baldwin has got to bear at least some responsibility in this. At producer and shooter level.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @TFP amen brother. That's exactly what I'm talking about. All those stories are real but from when he could actually go and afford to go to strip clubs. But this was back in the 90s and he was still married. He was doing it all behind his wife's back and spending all their money. And then when his wife finally found out and divorced him, he lost everything. Then this set off his PTSD and the deterioration of his mind and psyche. But he is too proud and narcissistic and his guilt is too strong for him to admit his own faults. So instead he looks back at all those times and stories and finds other reasons (i.e. excuses) where his interactions with strippers went awry, but he could have had a "real" relationship with them. Simultaneous to this he blames his marriage and how it was a death trap rather than face the fact that he was the reason for why it failed. He's reversed the logic by design. He thinks his bad marriage drove him to go to strip clubs, but in reality it was his strip clubbing and AMP mongering that caused his divorce. He's gone so far as to say he would have died if it wasn't for being able to escape to strip clubs. Death from a bad marriage? Really? Ultimately, it's all just an elaborate defense mechanism to avoid facing himself as the reason he lost everything in life. Blame his marriage on it rather than himself. Look back at past stripper interactions as missed opportunities with women that wanted him but it didn't work out due to other circumstances besides him. These are just mental defenses. And even now, when called out on them, what does he do? He blames the accuser as invading his privacy! Again, it's a defense mechanism. But to him it's an egregious privacy invasion...even though he's completely anonymous to you and I both AND even though we really don't care about it to the extent that we don't care about anyone else's stripper stories. It's just internet banter in the grand scheme of things to us. Furthermore, on top of this he has his "sensitive" and "critical" business matters to protect so that his privacy is of utmost importance. Yet again, it's nothing but a ruse and defense mechanism. Also as you stated he doesn't even realize his own contradictions from the fact that he can admit to all this detailed mongering in the past but not today. Please. So now, fast forward to today, what do we have? He's repeating himself and all these defense mechanisms over and over and over. 6 days a week. Year after year. It doesn't matter what others say as well. It's not about them. It's about him and repeating the same lies and theories and excuses over and over again. It's the only way that he can sustain them and stay in a state of denial. I think it's all sad and I post and reply and comment on his posts to try and see if he can wake up out of his mental funk, but I'm sure he's stuck in this as a mental do loop and nothing can bring him out of it. šŸ¤·
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "How about even one of you having something constructive to post that furthers the discussion?" ^^^ instead of having a discussion, san_jose_guy is just using this thread to pontificate and reminisce about days of yore with strippers. He's not really replying to any posts based on discussing this thread topic. So based on all his blathering about days of yore and all this learning, you'd think he'd have women like Irma at his beck and call by now. Has he really learned or is he still just pontificating about it? Or is it just that he can't move beyond the trauma of fucking up his marriage? And now he's in a spiral of depression and denial about it? All he does is keep posting excuses and pretend that he's somehow learned something. 6 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can somebody please knock everything out of the gym?
    @nicespice no need barter for three dances with me. You know I'm good. And I'll letcha play Pokemon Go while I give you a massage. Just ignore that Jigglypuff in my pants. It's not part of the game.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "Don't like it? Go find someone to talk to in a bar. F2F you would be made to learn to respect my privacy SLD." ^^^ @san_jose_creep I NEVER have said that I don't like anything you've posted in this thread. That's merely a strawman argument. Also as stated in other threads, I'd meet you F2F if I'm ever in the San Jose area. I'd even buy you a drink and stage massage at AJs since the Brass Rail is closed. I'll make a thread if this ever happens. I'd have no issues and would enjoy seeing how you would deal with me. Anytime, bruh.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    Online he's anonymous to everyone else that he interacts with. We only know him as "san_jose_guy". He could be "John Doe" in real life. None of us ever see him regularly nor do we talk to anyone he knows. Therefore it really doesn't matter whether or not he makes $350k per year and has been to The Pink Poodle and got a lapdance recently or he's a homeless bum posting from the free internet at the San Jose public library. His online anonymity already serves as a protection of his privacy. But yet it still matters. The faux wall of privacy is nothing but a defense mechanism for anything he doesn't want to talk about. Also he still can't quote me on exactly what I've stated that is a privacy invasion. My posts have been as per the thread topic which is about what san_jose_creep has learned about women and strip clubs. And based on all his posts over the years and this thread, I still maintain that he hasn't ever demonstrated actual application of all these learnings but yet somehow they are "truths". So based on all his blathering about days of yore and all this learning, you'd think he'd have women like Irma at his beck and call by now. Has he really learned or is he still just pontificating about it? Or is it just that he can't move beyond the trauma of fucking up his marriage? And now he's in a spiral of depression and denial about it? All he does is keep posting excuses and pretend that he's somehow learned something. 6 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    ^^^ resorts to trolling because he won't partake in his own thread. Still claims issues of privacy violations but cannot provide as quote of one. Also claims privacy issues yet this is a thread about his own life and leanings. He even admitted his marriage was a death trap, thereby violating his own privacy. Has he really learned or is he still just pontificating about it? Or is it just that he can't move beyond the trauma of fucking up his marriage? And now he's in a spiral of depression and denial about it? All he does is keep posting excuses and pretend that he's somehow learned something. 6 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    The faux wall of privacy is nothing but a defense mechanism for anything san_jose_creep doesn't want to talk about. Also please quote me on exactly what I've stated that is a privacy invasion. My posts have been as per the thread topic which is about what san_jose_creep has learned about women and strip clubs. And based on all his posts over the years and this thread, I still maintain that he hasn't ever demonstrated actual application of all these learnings but yet somehow they are "truths". So based on all his blathering about days of yore and all this learning, you'd think he'd have women like Irma at his beck and call by now. Has he really learned or is he still just pontificating about it? Or is it just that he can't move beyond the trauma of fucking up his marriage? And now he's in a spiral of depression and denial about it? All he does is keep posting excuses and pretend that he's somehow learned something. 6 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    The faux wall of privacy is nothing but a defense mechanism for anything san_jose_creep doesn't want to talk about. Also please quote me on exactly what I've stated that is a privacy invasion. My posts have been as per the thread topic which is about what san_jose_creep has learned about women and strip clubs. And based on all his posts over the years and this thread, I still maintain that he hasn't ever demonstrated actual application of all these learnings but yet somehow they are "truths". So based on all his blathering about days of yore and all this learning, you'd think he'd have women like Irma at his beck and call by now. Has he really learned or is he still just pontificating about it? Or is it just that he can't move beyond the trauma of fucking up his marriage? And now he's in a spiral of depression and denial about it? All he does is keep posting excuses and pretend that he's somehow learned something. 6 days a week. Year after year.