
Comments by DBix

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are liquid lapdance underwear still worth it?
    When seeking an LDK, I have always just used an un-lubed condom. The fact that they are smaller than what I use for "normal" activities, and dry, helps prevent them from coming off prior to use, as I too tend to be a grower and not a shower. Typically, effective application still requires at least a partial chub, but things seem to remain in place even with some shrinkage in between application and use. Coupled with thin athletic shorts, I used to be able to take care of business in 2-3 songs. Unfortunately, since beginning ADD meds last year, LDKs have become damn near impossible to achieve these days, at least not within my desired timeframe and budget.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Indy 2AMer.
    I've only gone there in the afternoon and very early evening, and have never felt uncomfortable. I don't think I'd really want to be in ANY SC after 2AM.