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review comment
7 months ago
donation pls
I do remember a skinny white, dirty blonde one maybe 6, 8 months ago, a bit of a leech sit beside yu & never leave
review comment
a year ago
donation pls
Well first lil boy, I been at this club for 10 years, my balls would put yours to shame, but you do your thing & treat them the way you want, ill do mine.
review comment
2 years ago
Gumboman, i also would the two names if yu dont mind
review comment
3 years ago
That would put you in the 300+ range dude, not 100-300.
But imma call your bluff man, 300 tip...doesnt happen, doesnt need to happen. Hit us up with a name, so we can play the game.
review comment
3 years ago
New Jersey
Damn thats almost a carbon copy of my experience with her.
I went to the common area. Told her i had 70 on me 2 dances & her tip, she said cool. After a terrible dance seemed like two songs, so i said, lets go, asked how many knowing it was 2. She said 5...WTF i really only had 70 left on me. She wanted 3 more dances at 25, no way. They made me stay there til i went to the liquor store & hit the atm...theres wasnt kept my phone til i returned. Shes a THIEF just know that. & the club bites
review comment
3 years ago
donation pls
PO stands for Purple Orchid, a club down the road from Oasis.
review comment
4 years ago
Who is this dancer, i havent seen an 8 in there since Crystal
review comment
4 years ago
She should be named January, shes cold as all hell
review comment
4 years ago
I havent been there at night for quite some time, maybe the good old ones are there, cause theyre not there in the afternoon.
review comment
4 years ago
donation pls
Agreed. Was voice texting.
Sorry if need be i can clean up some sentences
review comment
4 years ago
donation pls
That is storm. Stacy has a nice big set, shes darker than storm, thick but not as thick as storm
review comment
4 years ago
Storm is in Fla. forever or so it seems.
Nu got a daddy
Saw vixen the other day put bout 20 or more lbs.
Havent seen Fairy either.
review comment
4 years ago
I'm not the poster of this review but to answer your question the upstairs has a very small bar maybe seats three people maybe four
review comment
4 years ago
donation pls
Riley was a cute talkative lil thing. I haven't seen her.
review comment
4 years ago
I looked up SMT posts, he reviewed PO back in May,blk to blk, who always has good reviews, made an interesting comment...not so sure this dude was ever there.