I try not to feed the trolls and looking at his comment history, that's all he is. No need to justify the fact that I have another account with plenty of reviews on it and just wanted some anonymity for this post.
For those that responded with real advice, I am appreciative.
@subraman: You are correct, I am well aware of what type of site WYP is. You are also right that it is better than I had my realization now instead of after any significant sum had been spent. What do I want? Well, based on what I already have with her, all I'd really just like a little more involvement/attention from her outside of our physical time together. I'll admit it, I'm lonely - why else would I be doing this? I would happily forego the outfits and crazy sex for 5-10 minutes of texting a few times a week. But if that's not in the cards (and I brought this up in a roundabout way and it's not, she claims she's just not the texting type), I agree; I need to just enjoy what we have and keep looking to see if I can find something even better.
@K: Yes, there are "gifts" invovled with any time we spend together. In most cases, I don't care if she spends the night but this time was a different type of trip in that it was specifically to see her and we had talked about it and I was willing to cover her costs for doing so. While I've certainly mentioned the outifts and all, in trying to be a "nice guy", I haven't pushed because I was trying not to be "another customer". Since it seems that I am (and not just because of the nature of our relationship, but from some of the new stories she told me at our last date) then I've got nothing to lose.
@georgmicrodong: I am truely happy for you. When we are together, I would say she is a bit distant (which leads to my complaint), but definitely engaged and interested. We talk a lot and there is a lot of just enjoying each other's company - at least for me, but she seems to enjoy it as well. She almost never checks her phone so maybe she really is one of the few millenials that doesn't have to be texting constantly. She said she is happy with the arrangement so I am going to try to be more satisfied with it as well. I think if I were still traveling to her area regularly, I would be less unhappy as I could see her more often. Until I get moved for the new job, it's once every 2-3 weeks instead of weekly. That's a big part of why I don't want to upset things, because it will be a great situation once I am local to her again.
@ClearHeelsHotAssCantLose: You nailed it. I should have said I don't know her real last name, or I don't think I do (pretty sure I don't, records searches don't find any matches and while she seemed to almost slip up once I think it's like my pseudonym, close to her real last name so it's easy to cover up in a slip like that). I do know her real first and middle names (she goes by her middle name), her dancer name, as well as her Facebook name although I haven't friended her because she specifically said she doesn't want to know my real last name. I have a Facebook for my pseudonym so I was thinking I might message her through that and see if she is willing to friend me or not. The more I talk about this, the more I realize I have a pretty good thing going but like I said above, I'm lonely so I will continue to see what else I can find. I had one other meet through WYP and she was nice, but nowhere near as hot as this first one (who I was already seeing). The second was early 20s but after meeting in person, the pictures were clearly from during/early college - she had put on some weight and just couldn't compare to the 100lb spinner. She did tell me where she worked (security clearance job) and her real name, but the connection and attraction weren't there - I don't think she even read my profile before the date. Just like with that one, there's no reason to stop seeing the current one while I look for someone that better matches what I am looking for and being new to this, her experience has made a lot of the initial awkwardness easier so I feel more confident in dealing with the girls during my search.
Thanks to all for the comments, I appreciate the advice and putting words down has been cathartic and helped me work through it some more on my own as well. Any further advice is still appreciated!
Comments made by TresLeche