
Comments by Nycdance

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Experience negotiating (down) OTC rates when repeating?
    Thanks a bunch to everyone (and I mean everyone) for the feedback and criticisms. To try to answer all questions raised in one fell swoop: * yes I actually offered her the full champagne room price, to which she countered a little more, then I agreed. I thought that was actually the norm (or maybe I was just caught up in the lust, wasn't exactly concerned with haggling at that moment). My own mistake. * I'm familiar with sugar'ing and was active on SA briefly. I agree 1k/mo allowance for NYC is really not much...I mean it's still possible to find a quality girl on that depending on how the girl perceives herself and what she wants out of the dynamics/what the guy can offer in addition to $; but I do think in this case the ship might be a bit far from shore on that, given I've already explicitly paid for sex twice; and we haven't exactly bonded intellectually and the tone has been purely sexual. * no I don't think I'm in danger of RIL'ing. Honestly during the 2nd meet, I felt she was no longer a 9.5/10 (she was incredibly hard-bodied the first time, but gained a little waistline by the 2nd time...not that she isn't still hot) so I wasn't as "wow"ed by her like the first meet, but that's besides the point. I'm actually more a variety type of guy, it won't break my heart to never see this girl again--esp. since she never proactively reaches out to me, so I don't feel any emotional engagement because she's not even bothering to pretend to be emotionally invested in me--just that in the times we've met up it did feel like we both very much enjoyed it, so would be nice to find a way to experience that more often without me having to sacrifice all other "fun" budget-wise, and if it turns out she'd also be happy to be reimbursed less per meet yet paid much more overall through frequency, provided I can communicate that tactfully. If folks are actually interested, I'll settle on the approach to take and report back on the outcome.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Experience negotiating (down) OTC rates when repeating?
    Sorry, just realized every time I type a "less than" sign, it truncates my post. (continued, again) ...for under $400/hr. So even though I do like this girl and I think we have decent chemistry (for a PL/SC relationship, anyway), I don't want to meet her up often at this price. I'd be open to meeting her regularly if she were cheaper, but unfortunately we had already set the precedent, and I hesitate to propose basically cutting her rate in half, though that would still be in line with what I for FS with the agency girls. How would you go about it? FWIW, for a PL I'm supposedly reasonably young and attractive, I mean I don't expect to get it for free (though it has happened), but I thankfully don't think it's a chore to be with me or anything, and most girls seem to enjoy it. I want to ask her if she's willing to e.g. cut it down to 400-500 and I could promise to see her at least once/month, vs. once every 6-7 months as we've been doing....hey almost a win-win situation right? Has anyone tried something similar? If you feel I'm underpaying for NYC or overpaying like a chump for OTC, let's hear it too :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Experience negotiating (down) OTC rates when repeating?
    (post continued) ... for <$400/hr. So even though I do like this girl and I think we have decent chemistry (for a PL/SC relationship, anyway), I don't want to meet her up often at this price. I'd be open to meeting her regularly if she were cheaper, but unfortunately we had already set the precedent, and I hesitate to propose basically cutting her rate in half, though that would still be in line with what I for FS with the agency girls. How would you go about it? FWIW, for a PL I'm supposedly reasonably young and attractive, I mean I don't expect to get it for free (though it has happened), but I thankfully don't think it's a chore to be with me or anything, and most girls seem to enjoy it. I want to ask her if she's willing to e.g. cut it down to 400-500 and I could promise to see her at least once/month, vs. once every 6-7 months as we've been doing....hey almost a win-win situation right? Has anyone tried something similar? If you feel I'm underpaying for NYC or overpaying like a chump for OTC, let's hear it too :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Bay Area, California
    Wore sweatpants to the club for the first time, and what a difference! Is this c
    I'd recommend looking into a pair of pants from Rhone (can wait for their sales, happens often). I own a few pairs of Destroyers, they are intended for activewear/hiking but are very thin and silky in texture, yet looks very dressy and has enough pockets for me to keep my wallet + a bunch of $1s and $20s. I've been complimented by strippers about them virtually every trip to Flash Dancers (haha). They basically look like dressy pants in the dark, feels silky for the girls, and are thin enough (but waterproof!) you will have a good experience.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Miss the venue, glad still good mileage at new location
    Yes, the old Flashdancer location was waay better. Have you or anyone else been to the old (now Sapphire) location yet? I've been thinking about checking it out, but I've heard Sapphire is very strict on touching and I'm not sure I want to shell out about $40 cover + drink just to satisfy my curiosity and get low mileage.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Road Trip down to Charleston, any SC destination recommendations along the way
    Lol gotcha re: the Richmond trolling. I'll be sure to avoid or just drive right past. Thanks TDB re: suggestio. Ballpark Tavern you are referring to I assume? The reviews scare me though... I actually would prefer low mileage with 8-10s than say, super high mileage with <=6s...quality over quantity haha :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Road Trip down to Charleston, any SC destination recommendations along the way
    Thanks...is there anything specific in Richmond? I checked out the review for both Paper Moons. But quick browse of the reviews seem to imply VA clubs are strict and $100/10 minutes with no extras at PM doesn't sound like too great a time.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Good spot for your cash with some decent dancers
    Just ignore desertscrub. If you peek at these boards you'll notice he goes around commenting "club ad" ad nauseum. I'm not sure what he gains from it....
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Lapdance connoisseur
    Tuesday after work visit - day shift yields results
    I just treat desertscrub's comments as white noise at this point. He just likes to post "club ad", often on posts that are clearly not ads.