Comments by Johnadums
discussion comment
2 years ago
I went to Clairmont Lounge once during the daytime......need I say more?
discussion comment
2 years ago
I was only able to visit Follie's a had full of times before Covid hit. Value for your money - best I have seen. Service guarantee exceeded an AMP. I did not like the required valet. Made it hard to leave work and go there as I always carried my laptop. Never was an issue, but always was a worry. The smoke didn't bother me as much as the guys dealing in the corner. Only once of the times I went did I think it would be a wash-out. But with a little patience the right girl showed up to save the day.
I was a little surprised they stayed open after the City they were in incorporated and the club went into City property vs. Dekalb County. Dekalb lost a law suit to the club and settled with a deal that had a sunset date of 2021 or 2022, I believe. The City was determined to shut them down from their first day of incorporation. With all that went on in the club, it was pretty amazing the city couldn't find a way before Covid hit. Suffice it to say, the club's attorney earned his fees...I think he represents the large majority of Adult businesses in Atlanta also.
review comment
2 years ago
Helping sexy ladies a dollar at a time
Gotta question how recent was your visit? Glass wall to VIP been gone since pre-covid when some bozo ran into the building.
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
The warmongers and Generals would support Biden for one reason only, they cannot profit off war if there is no war. Trump wants to bring troops home and will avoid war at almost all cost. He wants to be strong, but would rather not fight that way. The Military-Intelligence enterprise is not making money unless our Military-Intelligence agencies are making people dead.
review comment
5 years ago
Oh shit, you are correct doctorevil and shadowcat.
review comment
5 years ago
Did you get a price on VIP?
review comment
5 years ago
@shadow $200 to her + 50 room. I said. I was aware it probably was not going to be full service and was willing to check it out anyway. Not normal modus operandi. Normally know its FS before committing.
review comment
5 years ago
The agreement Follies had with Dekalb, which has been transferred to Chamblee, runs out in 2022. I would guess the City will not renew or extend the agreement and will try to make the club adhere to whatever ordinance it has in place when that agreement expires.
review comment
5 years ago
@shadowcat. I guess I had missed those several weeks where they did that. I almost asked CF if they were now W2 employees, but I really didn't want to tread that water, nor did I care since I was leaving happy with a known thing. I do still find it interesting that hotter girls at Follie's charge less. But am reading disappointment lately in the direction Follies is heading. May not matter to ownership at Follies though...their deal with the City to operate as a nude club serving alcohol expires in 2021. I'm guessing Brookhaven will not seek to renew it. They are likely raking it in while they can get it and will "retire" instead of fight the inevitable.
review comment
5 years ago
Dawg, Didn’t mention more money, and picked my phone up to type her number in.
Version, read somewhere recently where a PL used someone’s review from here to try and negotiate services by saying “a friend said....” and as such the reviewer lost a sure thing. As such, no name given on purpose. Regarding VIP, I left happy and fully satisfied.
review comment
5 years ago
Nahumya, 30 minutes or until you are done with most girls, I would guess. Friday, I was actually asked if I could take a second shot. She said she had squirrel syndrome. Needed a nut in her mouth.
review comment
6 years ago
VIP are open cubes, no curtains at all. There is one larger room with a curtain. Not sure why we didn't go in there. the squirrel found a hole in the tree and climbed inside. a raincoat fell on him, but he continued to climb and found his nut deep in the tree.