Joined Aug, 2016
Last Seen Aug, 2016

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First Time I Ever Fell In Love With A Stripper And I Fell HardI pretty much did pick her by eye contact haha, she probably noticed how I was looking at her with my full attention, I…

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First Time I Ever Fell In Love With A Stripper And I Fell HardI pretty much did pick her by eye contact haha, she probably noticed how I was looking at her with my full attention, I…

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First Time I Ever Fell In Love With A Stripper And I Fell HardI'm not sure why everyone's getting mad at me or my post--im not exaggerating im telling it exactly how it happened.

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First Time I Ever Fell In Love With A Stripper And I Fell HardAlso I didn't fly back for her, yet at least. I went back the next day before my flight, was what I meant to…

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First Time I Ever Fell In Love With A Stripper And I Fell HardNo wallanon it wasn't on Halloween, it was a Halloween Costume night they had this past weekend

First Time I Ever Fell In Love With A Stripper And I Fell HardI was at this Strip Club, usually I go and I just have fun maybe get a dance or two but this time was…