Comments by Stolz
review comment
3 years ago

Definitely not a club ad. They've been trying to fly under the radar as they're not supposed to have dancers. Must be paying somebody. Hope they don't get busted
review comment
4 years ago

True, Scores & Gold Room are still up & running but those are very different establishments. Carl's it the last of the Lingerie bars in the area. Personally, I've never been a fan of the traditional "Gentlemans" club
review comment
4 years ago

Local Hick, yes, you are correct. The local politicians reversed but only Stone Park. Carls is now the only game in town as far as that whole area
review comment
4 years ago

Carls now has girls dancing again & is the only game in town now. They're in Stone Park where the others are in Melrose. & yes, you're correct, the shooting at J's is what sparked the beginning of the end of bar dancers in Melrose. Way too many "activities" on the video tapes that were confiscated in the investigation.
review comment
4 years ago

Not sure I understand the "Public Service" comment. This is in fact the Louie's forum.
As far as "Back to Normal". Those days are over. You wil not be seeing dancers in lingerie or bikinis for a very long time, if ever. The local village boards voted to ban lingerie bars from this point forward. It stems from the shooting at J's that led to LE viewing the security videos & seeing all the extras going on. Once the town boards saw this, they implemented the ban. The days of Louie's as well as all the others having panty girls are over. Nothingn to do with the Covid shutdowns.
review comment
5 years ago

$60 gets you 15 minutes, sometimes 20 depending on the girl
review comment
5 years ago

Almost all of this dudes posts are cut & pasted from multiple users on that different site. Click on his name & look at his other posts. I've commented on all the ones I found.
review comment
5 years ago

Ripped off from a report posted 07-06-19 on a different site. Almost all of this dudes reviews are stolen from various members posts on that other site. Cut & pasted, didn't change any of it. Pathetic!
review comment
5 years ago

This report is ripped off from a posting on another site dated 09-13-19. Cut & pasted word for word. This PL has ripped off several reports from that other site. Each of the other sites reports are form different members. Pathetic!
review comment
5 years ago

This report was ripped from a post made 03-14-2019 on a diufferent site. This dude has done it with others. Cheap way to get VIP ststus. Didn't even change any of the wording. Just cut & pasted
review comment
5 years ago

C H Cowboy
Yep, I remember the fun days back in early to mid 90's. I once saw Jenny McCarthy, doing the lingerie shows ther back then right before she got her Playboy deal. Lately there hasn't been much going on. Once in a while you'd see some dancers from other bars hanging out after their shifts & there was some fun to be had. Hasn't been the same since they lost the dancers. Bummer!
review comment
5 years ago

Play bare!
My bet is it's the same guy that use to go by NWSTL. I caught him doing the exact same thing about a year ago. He did it with several reviews that I was able to find, maybe even more.
review comment
5 years ago

Play bare!
Shorts? in cold December? I smell a rip off report! Checked it out, This report is a cut & paste rip off from a report dated 10-01-2019 on a different site. Not a word was changed! Cheap way to get VIP access!
review comment
5 years ago

There is now a small private room next to the bathrooms for the $60 private dance. The door is a 3/ door so someone coulkd peek over but no one does. I haven't partaken but it seems better that the back stor room they were using for this before the remodel.
review comment
5 years ago

Yep, the cameras have been there since the place opened. It always bothered me. There are 2 in the dance area. Just look up on the walls back there. About 10 ft up on the north & south walls. They weren't always monitored but its my understanding they are now.
review comment
6 years ago

This post is cut & pasted from a review on a different site which was posted on 09-05-16. Not the only plagiarized post by this PL.
review comment
6 years ago

Check out this posters other reviews. Specifically for Dollies on Feb 5, 2017, then compare to the other sites post on 12-21-16 for Dollies. That one is a complete cut & paste, no alterations whatsoever. Cheap way to get credit for a review.
review comment
6 years ago

Cut & pasted from a review on a different site which was posted on 12-21-16. It is word for word identical. Not the only plagiarized post by this PL
review comment
6 years ago

WOW! This report sounded very familiar. Did a little searching, it is a "cut & paste" of a report from 6 months ago on another site. It is 90% word for word from that other report. The last sentance is the only thing not copied