2 mos ago•AnotherThoughtreviewedKittens Cabaret5800 4th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108Gems But Lots of Hustle
3 mos ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onTrumpers, how patient are you?Regardless of public opinion, objectively, Trump will inherit a strong economy. Inflation is back down, wages are up, and job growth is good. Stock prices…
3 mos ago•AnotherThoughtreviewedPandora's Adult Cabaret8914 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115Construction Elves
9 mos ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onMany New FacesThanks for the update. That was the club that I heard was going to go first but all I heard was very soon.
10 mos ago•AnotherThoughtreviewedPandora's Adult Cabaret8914 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115Different Vibe
12 mos ago•AnotherThoughtreviewedDéjà Vu Lake Forest Park14556 Bothell Way NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155Slow slow slow
1 yr ago•AnotherThoughtreviewedPandora's Adult Cabaret8914 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115Business is slow
1 yr ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onCloak of Invisibility?FunOnTheSide: Not that kind of place. During the day/transition, stage tipping is not the norm. But having dancers begin to ask you for a dance…
1 yr ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onCloak of Invisibility?To answer techman: No, I had virtually no interactions with the dancers. Given prior visits, I would expect $40 for regular (Occasionally you get the…
1 yr ago•AnotherThoughtreviewedPandora's Adult Cabaret8914 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115Memorial Weekend.
2 yrs ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onAnya is my favorite dancer hereOne of the issues is that the adjudicators aren’t very familiar with local clubs. Most of the people reading the reviews are. So, let me help. In…
2 yrs ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onRoe v WadeI don’t think Mark’s original post beginning this thread is accurate. Every state regulates abortions at least to some extent. This ruling allows states to implement…
2 yrs ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onMore nudity in the parking lot than in the clubTwo observations. First, certain holidays are typically poor weekends to visit. Mother’s Day is definitely one. Second, number of dancers per club seems all over the place.…
2 yrs ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onDo dancers reject guys for private dances based on looks, smell, etc?Yes, dancers decline dances. It is almost never blunt. I am getting off shift. I have a customer I have already promised dances to.…
2 yrs ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onThe moment you discovered what ...........................How dancers feel about customers varies. The vast vast majority view customers as a mark — the means to an end. Some can barely hide their…
2 yrs ago •AnotherThoughtcommented onTimeframe for strippers, what do they do after retiring?I know one who went on to be an attorney. Another a teacher. One who died of diabetic keto acidosis.