
Comments by BigLoser

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    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    Sorry for your situation, Daddillac, but you have no idea how badly I needed to read it. I haven't seen my stripper in 8 months. I spent nearly 300K over the course of 3+ years, all ITC. The money didn't matter...still doesn't, but the heart is broken. When I was going through it all, I didn't want to believe she was playing me, but at some point enough became enough. I told here I was tired of treating her like a whore. I didn't care if it was a nickel a day, I was done paying for her to be with me. It was like throwing holy water on a vampire, apparently they don't like the word whore, hmmm. Silence ever since. For me the best thing was to work on myself, working out, vacations, and making an assload of money. The best "revenge" is to live a good life without her. I know my girl is scratching the bottom of the barrel with her loser boyfriend. They deserve each other, a lying whore and a pimp bum. I've only been able to feel anger towards her in the past few weeks, but I think it's a huge step in moving on. Hang in there.
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    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Someone slap some sense into me.
    Not sure I'm in a good position to answer this one, but what the hell, your feelings are going to cost you lots of money and pain...take time off! I spent a 3 years and a fortune believing my ATF when she said that she loved me and would eventually be with me. It's been a few months since I've seen her. The "I love you" messages dried up a week or two after I turned off the money. I still think about her constantly, but have managed to avoid messaging and the club. Every time I want to reach out to her, I remind myself of the nice lifestyle I was giving her and her boyfriend (she never admitted that one). On the bright side, I have an assload of unspent money.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    Never posted on a discussion. Board of any type before. I decided to do this before hitting "send" on an email a drafted to her. I thought i'did try something different since what I was doing wasn't exactly working. Thanks for all the comments. I didn't hear anything I didn't already know ow, but I needed to hear it....over and over again. For those of you that don't buy the story, nothing I can say will change that. If I had done this a year or two ago, it wouldn't have worked for me, I wasn't ready. As I said I knew what was going on and chose to keep swinging against overwhelming odds. No regrets, the money I spent wouldn't have had nearly the impact on my life if it were sitting in a bank. If she calls me today, i'LLC et her buy me dinner. I'miss done paying for the pleasure of her company. For the past month, i'be been looking at my watch in the last hour of my extended VIA sessions. BTW on what planet is a darkx 4×4 closet with a stinky couch and no door considered VIPS treatment? Thanks again to all.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    I'm not trolling. I read posts on this site for a long time. Thought I was different. Made a decision a few weeks ago and acted on it. Starting to question that decision and needed to post to get some advice before I do something stupid like go back there. The story is true. Part of me wishes it wasn't, but I had fun for a long time. Less fun lately. Believe it o don't. The advice helped. It confirmed what I had thought deep down from the beginning. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    The emails weren't even live back and forth. Usually a few hours would go by. All very obvious now....just a regular.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    SJG...You're right. Before I got into this, I actually said that to a friend. As for the stripper, she only ever told me what she wanted to, but she knew all about me. We made our choices. I'm not criticizing her. She knew about my marriage. I told her early on. I never wanted to try to explain a lie about something so important.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    SJG....I'm married, clearly not happily. I'm better off dealing with that with a clear head. This girl totally has stripper armour. But when she dropped the act and was herself was when I actually enjoyed being with her. She reserved the right to put the wall up again at any time. I wanted he outside to leave that shit behind. That's probably one of the reasons she wouldn't see me outside. It couldn't have just been the money, I made it pretty clear that money wasn't an issue.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    Butterman....it's true and I am not proud of it. I can use the advice.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    Shailynn.....Unhappily....she knows.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    Fisherman.....yeah I actually kept track 260k.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    SJG....funny once I started seeing her and taking better care of myself, plenty of real women started showing interest. They didn't matter, I was all in with the stripper.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    I think she definitely enjoyed the power aspect. If I blew off an email or two, there was immediate concern on her end. She spoke of some bad experiences, but I did everything I could to make her feel safe with me. Bottom line for me is that is that if I want to stop being treated like a customer, I have to stop acting like one.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    Thanks Jared. I tried the trips. They were a non s-starter. She's a very busy person. Haha. My denial for the past three years is incredibly embarassing!
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    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    No dude...it happened.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    Should have done this a couple of years ago! Ahhh it's only money, she could have gotten a lot more if she played her cards right! Thanks for the feedback.