avatar for missy.preton

Comments by missy.preton

discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for VeryBigDawg
Another weird trend at the SC
completely a black thing
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Follies Atl day shift
That's interesting shadowcat I didn't know that. Papi, the $$$ potential for Follies is really awesome, for me personally I would rather make this money than work at Cheetah or PP and feel good about myself for being some kind of nice girl. iykwim. The permit thing does factor in heavy for many many girls though. It has something to do with certain types of convictions or outstanding charges etc. Some girls legally can't get one and have to choose between Follies, Wax, or leaving Atl.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Follies Atl day shift
That's interesting. I honestly had no idea what city we are officially in. When I worked here 4 years back I had to buy a permit at a courthouse off 285... I don't know where all those girls would go. Many actually cannot get a permit, regardless of money, for legal reasons. So the only other option might be escort or cam.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Follies Atl day shift
Thanks Tim It kinda messed with my head coming back to Atl and seeing the Follies night shift no longer even an option for me. I used to be able to reliably make 7 or 8 a night on that shift. I appreciate the encouragement
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Follies Atl day shift
Whenever the new city of Brookhaven gets around to establishing a permit office, there will be a mass exodus of dancers from Follies. WRT the various types of activities and vices completely out in the open... that is another thing. It doesn't bother me in and of itself, but it gives me pause, so to speak. I have only ever worked at very by-the-book type clubs before.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Follies Atl day shift
Yes Mikey I do, it would be cool if he posts on this thread:)
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Follies Atl day shift
Thanks Papi I always like your reviews:)
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for reignfire
South Carolina
My fav just quit. What should I do?
George has good advice, I would just add to make sure you loudly refer to her by her stripper name when you see her, and within earshot of her coworkers. No seriously though, do what pensionking says.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Follies Atl day shift
Thanks for the replies, it's really helpful. I'm making a financial plan based on one more year here. The changes that I have been seeing make me nervous and I want to be prepared.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for jdoggy
2nd booth from the stage
I like it!
good review. One of my favorite custies told me a girl stole his chain off his neck!!!
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
My second Follies review for dancers
Thanks for the props guys. PC that makes sense. Unfortunately I have had a couple of experiences where a customer has had trouble keeping up his side of the deal (iykwim) and thought that entitled him to his money back. Frankly, I disagreed:)
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for mikemann11
Lots of drama
I work here. I frikin guarantee that this girl was willing to price you low at 110 because she had no intention of paying for the room, and in fact didn't, and that's why the floor manager was busting her. I should have included that in my review for dancers, girls are always trying to pull that stunt, it's a great way to get fired. Sorry you had so many bad experiences:( hope you come back. Also, fwiw, I will never answer directly or explicitly most questions about vip. If the customer asks me for specific things, I will answer yes or no. Please keep in mind you are basically asking a complete stranger to do things that are illegal.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for jepello
Consistently fun
It annoys me to no end when the girls who work there are doing that. It's so tacky.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for missy.preton
Thanks for the props guys To clarify good money... most girls who have been dancing for a couple of years will understand this to mean, at least as much as you usually make if not more. That varies considerably, of course. Also, some girls get very overwhelmed by the environment at this club and can't make money, but the potential is there. I'm happy, for whatever that's worth:)
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for TimboAtl
ROB Alert
I work there and this girl is trouble. I'll leave it at that.