Reviews by reviewerx
Gold Diggers
5632 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90038
5 years ago
gold-diggers is no longer stripping
Seeing what looked like a seedy-looking dive called Gold-Diggers on Santa Monica Boulevard the other night, my interest was piqued. From the street it had all the trappings of a seedy and ancient strip...
Southern X-Posure Gentlemen's Club
2 Mall Rd
Barboursville, WV 25504
6 years ago
the locals seemed happy
This review is from my trip out to Huntington last summer, in July. So, sorry about being Johnny-come-lately but here it is.
When in a new town I always recommend visiting their local stripclub...
Les Girls
3790 Riley St
San Diego, CA 92110
7 years ago
san diego's diminishing erotic entertainment supply just got lower.
This review is about Les Girls but it's also about The Body shop, hence the title.
I was admiring the adult coloring book art taped up on the hallway wall board in Les Girls stripclub...
4 years agoby