
Comments by krystal123456789

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Ricktheturtle i thought u went to africa already. I told u were you could find your beloved apes. You really seem to be into them tho. Its africa babe. I heard they have black apes and white ones too incase you are inclined to a specific colour or are colour blind. Who said you didnt have choices
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    @JamesSD. I really hope your not insinuating that im ugly as u dont know me and know nothing about me. Im sure you have seen pretty girls that have figures that are similar to an arrow, guts sagging, ass flat or unshapely, built like a linebacker or body looking like a cow or stick. It goes both ways if u want to talk about that. Im sure you know to find a good looking girl with a nice body to match is quite rare. Both are very nice to look at and u wont always get what you want, so if this is tha case then keep it pushin, there is someone out there for everyone. Men like what they like and what you might find unattractive im sure someone else will find very attractive. Are yall gay? I on the other end is very beautiful and sexy. Ive been told by men and women on a daily basis so your opinion is quite null and void. to each his own. To be on here and referred to as such i find this to be hilarious. I would really like to see some of you calling others ugly. Lowkey disrespectful. Some people are idiots but i sure as hell is not one. Graduated from high school, on my way through college, 25 with no kids but im not on tuscl to spill out every information about myself to everyone specially since you all are acting like clowns. Just know that when u are in the position to create someone then u can call them ugly or whatever you want whether me or anyone else. In the meantime my mom always told me if u have nothing nice to say them dont say nothing at all. Goodbye tuscl And have a nice day
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Keep yall ignorant comments to yall selves.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    @JamesSD. I really hope your not insinuating that im ugly as u dont know me and know nothing about me. Im sure you have seen pretty girls that have figures that are similar to an arrow, guts sagging, ass flat or unshapely, built like a linebacker or body looking like a cow or stick. It goes both ways if u want to talk about that. Im sure you know to find a good looking girl with a nice body to match is quite rare. Both are very nice to look at and u wont always get what you want, so if this is tha case then keep it pushin, there is someone out there for everyone. Men like what they like and what you might find unattractive im sure someone else will find very attractive. Are yall gay? I on the other end is very beautiful and sexy. Ive been told by men and women on a daily basis so your opinion is quite null and void. to each his own. To be on here and referred to as such i find this to be hilarious. I would really like to see some of you calling others ugly. Lowkey disrespectful. Some people are idiots but i sure as hell is not one. Graduated from high school, on my way through college, 25 with no kids but im not on tuscl to spill out every information about myself to everyone specially since you all are acting like clowns. Just know that when u are in the position to create someone then u can call them ugly or whatever you want whether me or anyone else. In the meantime my mom always told me if u have nothing nice to say them dont say nothing at all. Goodbye tuscl And have a nice day
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    @wetwilly. You cant dance for a blind person neither can i. I never stated that i danced for him and i never did, at least not on the stage. I only sat and spoke with him, then did a private dance that was all there was.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Cashman1234. i know but they need me for the blindmen. Tried to resign many times but they keep calling me back.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Cashman1234... He wasnt the only one and wasnt the first and definately wont be the last. Im told many times with or without my thong on.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Yes cashman1234 i only see the blindmen. Lol. Come to my club im the girl in the back waiting for the blind men..
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Georgmicrodong makes premature babies. Lol
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    Lol yall got me trippin.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    You were the daddy? Lol
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    No. If you are looking for hairless apes, maybe you need to go to africa. There are lots of then out there. In the meantime how old are u?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Weirdest thing i saw happen in a stripclub. A blind...
    What? How did that go?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Ok lopaw. I didnt know. And im sorry if i offended you or anyone else on here by me using that word. As i said im not from out here, i never knew that word to be disrespectful. U must have recognized i did not mean it in a disrespectful way as i too consider myself to be a lesbian.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Ive met alot of strippers that are in gay marriages too. One i met recently just got engaged.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    I see
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Your right. But they arent that bad with the lesbians. They more homophobic against gay men. They still the same
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Caribbean Island Jamaica
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    To me its still a word with appropriate meaning. As long as im not being called a bitch which has a completely different meaning. I find this way more disrespectful than being called a dyke.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Im a female on and off dancer (Means i dance everyone in a while). And i didnt know that dyke was derogatory. I wouldnt be offended if someone called me this. Im also no originally from USA, but legal resident. Im from the islands.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    I Knew i wasnt the only one with these types of feelings, just wasnt sure how many was like this. Im convinced many will not admit they are a complete dyke
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Hey lopaw. I hate to disagree with you about being gay and it hurting business. You have alot of guyz that find lesbians attractive and a turn on. Ive seen and been on stage with other dances and performing freaky shows and i have to say that this is where i have made the most tip as opposed to being on stage alone. Its like competition or a challenge for them, and they love that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dumb question number 60
    Nope Takes way more than just a hard dick to get turned on
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are most dancers lesbians/bisexuals
    Just i have met alot of other girls that are also lesbians and was wondering if this is very common. But thanks for the insite
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Was a decent night for weekday
    Youll get a girl to come over and ask for a dance by either tipping/tipping better than others(if others are also tipping) or by giving little eye contacts. The first works the best. So next time your in a club and no dancer approaches you try one or some of these suggestions.