Comments by Pole_Doc (page 2)
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
Dude, your dog shit analogy is spot on!
@everyone else:
Curious, is it not possible to have hatred for a particular behavior, without loathing the person displaying it?
Also, by not liking a particular behavior, does that make one fearful (phobia) of the person displaying it?
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
GM, Everyone!
I head back to work this morning and probably won't be able to engage, as much. I will, however, be checking in from time to time.
I just want to say how good it felt reading these posts this morning. My brain was actually stimulated, as I read through healthy, rational, and engaging debate. I don't see a lot of agreement but I wouldn't expect to (besides that would bore me).
I appreciate the respect being shown for each other's right to an opinion. So that we're clear, I AM NOT TELLING ANYONE WHAT THEY SHOULD, OR SHOULD NOT POST! I'm merely stating that the healthy debate displayed, of late, is appreciated. Have a great day. Peace out!
discussion comment
10 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Well, maybe all I know is dumb hoes, cause mine ain't graduating from shit!
Generally speaking, the only thing I see em graduate from is NOT GOING to VIP, to GOING to VIP!
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
At the risk of being misunderstood..... Why can't the cause for the puking be due to them NOT being in the privacy of their own home? I mean, there's nothing in Jerikson's scenario that tells us where the person is witnessing the sodomy, or the rape.
It could be concluded that perhaps the individual would've puked, regardless of who was fucking (the 2 adults). The fact that they were able to witness something intended to be private, might have been what set them off.
I for one am not a fan of PDA (I don't care what the genders are). I'm a BIG freak but I don't want to be on display.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
BTW (Again, just reporting what I've been a witness to), my ATF once sold drugs (side hustle while dancing). She was in school too. She finally decided to quit stripping and dope slinging, to concentrate more on school.
Now, I gotta give it to this one. She wants to be a pharmacist. Might as well make it legal, right?. I'm actually proud of her. If nothing else, she's shown herself to be tenacious. This one may just actually graduate. After all, she's been in school now, over the past 10 years, at the same institution. That wouldn't be all that peculiar, if it weren't for the fact that she's attending a junior college (2 year community college).
Like I said, at least she's showing tenacity.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
"Maybe I'm less judgmental because..."
I began my analysis of the scenario with... "It has been my observation..."
Not much judgmental about anything said after that, if one is merely giving an account of what has been witnessed.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
It has been my observation that most strippers who have well intentioned educational aspirations, rarely ever follow them through to fruition. In fact, through all the years I've been in The Game, I can only recall 2 who actually graduated.
The money and lifestyle of stripping usually serves as a mammoth distraction that few are disciplined enough to overcome. The average stripper has trouble concentrating on anything that isn't money oriented. Most just don't have the skills required to focus on a long term goal, like a college degree. They're challenged when asked questions like, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Hell, most can't even tell you what they've got coming up in 5 days! They typically have short attention spans.
In most cases, when I come across a stripper who claims she's "in school," I can almost always guess that her "major" is "Cosmetology;" it's almost comical. I can also almost expect that they're probably lying or if telling the truth, not really serious about it.
If it were my CF, I probably might do it (she's brighter than most), although she's begun to show herself typical. However, I don't see her putting me through all the drama of involving her sister.
Idk ... Stripper 2 sounds like she's full of shit and too much drama. However, if she's really that hot, she may be hard to say "No" to. I guess, for me, it would have to come down to who give the best head! Go figure.
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
Is it possible you are confusing Jerikson's recent comments with mine? I don't get it. What has changed your view and caused your most recent criticism? I'm confused.
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
I am totally confused... What behavior are we talking about? I thought you were referencing the whole "standing on the street corner, shouting at each other" thing you mentioned.
I was commenting that I think it's a good thing for us to be able to do that, without violence. What were you talking about? I think we have a misunderstanding here.
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
It's all good ... I respect your right to post whatever you want. You win.
I respect the right of anyone to SAY anything they want, including Al Queda or the Klan. As I've stated before, on another board, they're opinions, not weapons. Being able to voice them is partly the beauty of what is AMERICA. I love this country!!!
discussion comment
10 years ago
Thank you BOTH!
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
Thank you for your comments.
You are correct. The behavior (differences of opinions) has been going on for years. Isn't it great, though, we live in a country where this can happen without violence?
FREEDOM is a wonderful thing!
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
"So what, he and the other guy are/were strongly opinionated. Respect their right to theirs, state yours, and move on!"
As I've already stated (we've just gone over this), Mikey, perhaps I should've posted my response in the form of a question. I apologize (See, an apology). I was only trying to take Sclvr's suggestion, to perhaps not be so long in my postings, and I was terse. Being in a rush did not make things any better.
"People have the right to post whatever they want here. But, of course, you have to be dramatic and bring up CIVIL rights, which has nothing to do with anything here."
Of course, you are correct. People do have that RIGHT ... Aren't civil rights wonderful!?
BTW, I didn't bring up civil rights. Lopaw did (“Hey Lopawâ€), in defense of her friend (sclvr5005). I've only been using the issue (primarily with him), in an attempt to point out certain, apparently unrecognizable, inconsistencies.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Yes, it is sad.
If you would, please clarify, "w.r.t.?"
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
"I was going to ask you the same thing, Pole Doc. Please dont tell us how to respond."
Dude, I haven’t "told" you "how to" anything.
That's what I get for attempting the short answer … "Why not take a break from your usual 18 paragraph responses and do a search of some of jerkoffson's past holier-than-thou rhetoric on every topic that he whines about (sclvt5005)?"
Mikey, I guess my last response could've been in the form of a question. However, I was rushed and trying to be terse, in response to your responsive comment, which was equally so.
This is the only thing I can think of that would make you go where you appear to be going. All other comments I've posted (in this thread) have been nothing short of me merely pointing out observations and responding to that which has been directed at me, in the process.
I do hope we're not about to get thinned skinned and blow this out of proportion, taking it to a place where it doesn't belong?
I have been defending him (Jerikson). You are correct. However, you’re failing to see the bigger picture. My apparent defense of Jerikson isn’t about HIM, per se. No, Sir, not at all! Go back and reread my Klan metaphor.
I am a defender of FREEDOM! I will defend her anytime, anywhere, for anyone, and any reason. Because of her, we’re able to do things like go to strip clubs and even have an opportunity to voice our opinions about them, in forums such as this one.
Lopaw said you are an advocate for civil rights. Certainly, you can relate to this? Jerikson has done nothing short of exercising his civil rights. All I have done is defend his right to do so. If defending FREEDOM causes me to lose credibility, I will gladly repay that very small price, 3 times over, Mr. Civil Rights advocate!
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
" 'So what?'....Thus spake the great debater."
So what, he and the other guy are/were strongly opinionated. Respect their right to theirs, state yours, and move on!
You weren't being serious just now, were you?
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
"... We had another member here who was STRONGLY opionated. Plus, he threw in "you SHOULD do this" and you SHOULD NOT do that"! Jerikson is coming close to this..."
So what?
"... and of course everybody is entitled to their opinions on issues..."
... Which, apparently, you don't think are worthy of respecting (unless they're yours). That's unfortunate. You're creating missed opportunities.
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
I've figured, and have suspected, quite a bit into what you've stated (No need to go back and research his past postings. I can extrapolate). I've also considered my presence to these posts being in its nascence. I understand your motives. However, I still don't see any of that as justification for advocating someone being "muzzled," simply due to them having an opposing view, or because of the politically incorrect fashion in which they've chosen to express it.
In the last board (“Hey Lopawâ€), where tempers began to flare, Lopaw came to your defense (I rather like her, despite the decision she made to tuck and run). She stated that you are a huge advocate for civil rights. I was surprised by this (considering all of your, “STFU†banter … Again, I’m still relatively new). I’m sure you’re aware that the main premise behind the ideology of civil rights is “Equal Protection, Under the Law.†This “protection,†although not strictly limited to it, is mostly based upon the rights we Americans are all afforded, by the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, commonly known as The Bill of Rights.
Now, “Equal Protection†doesn’t mean protection from say - an unpopular view. It doesn’t mean protection against a perceived to be “insensitive†comment. It doesn’t mean protection from vehement disagreement, or even offensively, self-perceived insults. The premise behind civil rights is to ensure that ALL Americans are equally guaranteed protection of their ability to exercise that which is afforded them, by the US Constitution. Now, what I have witnessed is Jerikson (and others) attempt to exercise those rights, by voicing controversial opinions, and sometimes making abrasive comments, in doing so. Although this may make him unpopular and unlikable, I find it quite a bit of a stretch to equate it with “persecution,†as you’ve implied, while in the process of calling for him to, “Shut the fuck up!†This premise, Sir, is un-American and antithetical to the cause of civil rights. I figure you, being an advocate and all, should be able to see that. In fact, I dare say, you’ve shown yourself to be more anti-civil rights than Jerikson has!
Consider this. I am a proud Caribbean-American black male, living in the US. The Ku Klux Klan expresses views that are contrary to my beliefs and hazardous to my health. Now, although I loath the principles the Klan stands for, I would gladly, and proudly, stand shoulder to shoulder with them (AR-15 in tow) to defend their right to express those views and promulgate the principles behind them. I don’t have to like you and we don’t have to agree, for us respect one another’s rights. That is what I hear on these boards, a lot of the time – a lack of respect for each other’s rights. I think we’re all probably better than that. We should be able to have adult debates, without being so thinned skinned and accusatory. Anyway, that’s how I see things.
discussion comment
10 years ago
I had to take the time to read my previous post again ... Damn! Woooo! Now that's GAME!!!!!
discussion comment
10 years ago
the speed force!
I've been reading through these posts, holding my peace till now. I think you (jerikson) have handled yourself well. You're not perfect (and never have claimed to be) but you seem to have come a long way, since we first began engaging. Your posts here seem to be void of emotion. You're merely stating your position on things, in spite of its unpopularity.
It is my observation that barring zipman68 (who again I commend), mostly everyone here just seems to like picking on you. Now, I will say they do have a point about some things (you have been guilty of name calling yourself, for example). However, for the most part, all I seem to be reading is just a lot of open season attacking going on, toward ANYTHING you say. They've even appeared to be baiting you into certain areas and you've skillfully been trying to ignore it. I commend you, Sir! You seem to have a grasp on things.
As for the attacks on your level of intelligence, I say get real. It may be justifiable to call you a lot of things but to question your intellectual prowess isn't fair. I may not agree with all that you post but it is clear to me you are a man of euriditon. I would never question that and make it an issue, merely because we disagree on something. To do so I think is juvenile. One of the first rules of warfare is learning to respect your opponent's strengths.
Zipman seems to be the only one (and now myself) who has anything positive to say about you (or at least gives you credit when due). In most cases, whenever I come across a one sided situation, I'm usually able to find fault somewhere, in the midst. My father used to tell me that blame is something usually shared. My grandmother liked saying, "There's always something good you can find to say about anyone, even Satan. After all, he ain't lazy!" No one here seems to have ANYTHING good to say about you, jerikson, and I find that troublesome and NOT TOTALLY YOUR FAULT.
That's all I have to say for now. I've been off of these boards the last few hours ... been fucking. Right now, it's early, on a Saturday morning, and I's got sum mo fuckin' ta do! - LOL -😎 Peace out!!!!!
discussion comment
10 years ago
I forgot to mention (I'm sure you already know this).....
That "pimp" example you gave a little while back often goes the other way too. Sometimes these girls have GFs (Pimps) who pressure them to "Make Dat Money." In fact, female pimps are more popular now than ever before, especially coming out of Memphis. I don't know what it is about Memphis but the pimp game is strong there. It seems like they come out of the womb learning The Game. Evidently, it's an integral part of urban culture there.
I was once close with this gorgeous stripper who had a pimp girlfriend, from Memphis. On the surface, she seemed like a very self assured, confident and intelligent young woman, at least that was the image of herself she wanted people to see anyway. In truth, she's actually a rather scared, insecure little girl, with issues of low self esteem and emotional instability.
Anyway, as time went on, she shared with me that the GF was "teaching her the game." At one point, she actually had 2 hoes "of her own" that they (both she and the GF) were taking around to work in different SCs out of state.
The "problem" I saw with the whole thing was that the gorgeous stripper was "working" too and was the operation's "biggest earner." Of course, the GF did nothing. She was damned good!
Being a former student of The Game myself, I was able to see right through it. The GF actually had the poor (stripper) girl thinking she was pimping 2 hoes, when all along she (the GF) was pimping all 3 (the stripper included). At the time, I cared a lot about the girl but didn't know how to break it to her.
The stripper was being played hard and didn't even realize it. She was just so damned "In Love," the shit was sick! Anyway, she eventually began to tire of both The Game and the GF... Sad story.
discussion comment
10 years ago
That "dude" is me with my CF and "Yes," she's currently bouncing around (sorta). Things are weird right now.
discussion comment
10 years ago
...Oh, and as for her lips.... They're every bit as soft to kiss, as they look (I ain't braggin,' just keeping it real!!! 😎😘
discussion comment
10 years ago
Damn, Papi! You hittin' on all cylinders, aintcha? I am impressed with your breakdown of how things work in the ATL!
You are rather correct in your assessment of things. However, I'm sure if you were to ask her, she'd give you a totally different report card grade (but that, of course goes back to the "Hearts" and "Minds" debate). You know, in all fairness to a lot of these girls, some of their specious reasoning has much to do with the age group they belong to. Most people in their twenties don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. What is truly, however, the real danger they pose to themselves is that they THINK otherwise. You can't tell them shit, because they already know! You should hear me and my daughter Go at it. 23 years old and knows every damned thing!
As for the other markets in surrounding cities (adjacent to ATL), I'm telling you, I've been to these places and I can't see what these girls see in them. It goes back to the observation cited by Shailynn earlier ("Ah you're right $5 dances all day but most women in general don't see it that way. They would see "wow I have to do 6 dances at my club compared to 1 dance at that club to make the same amount of money." What they don't realize is they may do 100 $5 dances versus 10 $30 dances.").
Hey, whatever floats your boat.