
Comments by UKadventure

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Could you marry/be in a serious relationship with a stripper?
    To answer your question-NO!! Coming from a recent break up with having a serious relationship with a stripper, I’m recovering from what only came from hell, this woman had some major issues no human person could handle- lying, cheating, drunk, drugs, abuse etc. Stay clear my friend unless you want to be burnt and be psychological damaged yourself. Big Warning Sign she is a Stripper!! Good luck and takecare
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    11 years ago
    After effects of dating a Stripper
    People's personal history regardless what profession they are involved in relates to the expectations of future relationships. If a women have been treated very badly in the past then would have a negative outlook particularly strippers. Due to the nature of their job it must effect them on a personal level. From what I've been told strippers do not have high regard for men so this would cause a major problem in settling down with one man. If a women does not have respect for a man how can it work?
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    11 years ago
    After effects of dating a Stripper
    I've had fun in the past with strippers but this was my first relationship. A was a bit naive to be honest, trusted her words, got to serious very quickly and not realizing the true identity of that person until it was too late. I will learn from this experience. I do miss the sex though :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Thanks for all your comments. Some very interesting points of view. To conclude, I knew long term this relationship wouldn't work even before all the problems for this reason: No man can accept their woman getting naked in-front of other men, private dances-grinding, tits in there face etc. Also the constant phone calls at all hours of the day. She gets chatted up every night she goes to work by 20, 30 men etc and do you believe you are the special one??? TRUST will be the hardest issue to deal with. How can you have a normal relationship when your working Mon-Fri, and she works nights including most weekends. What other job can you drink and take drugs on a daily basis.How can you have your girlfriend getting degraded everytime she goes to work? How can you explain to your friends and family what your girlfriend does, well you can't, it would be embarrassing. In the UK majority of strippers do not pay tax. Stripping is a very difficult job dealing with drunken men every night, long hours, and just being viewed as a piece of meat. Lazy is when a stripper stays in the industry to long and has no career plans, not investing all that money wisely. Yes not all stripper are the stereotype-women supporting their children or paying through college I respect those women! I'm just coming from my own experience, all the stories I was told what goes on in those clubs, and see the effects of stripping does to someones HEALTH! I just didn't look at the whole picture and I learnt the hard way. I will retire from having a relationship with a stripper but FUN i'll continue!!! God bless you all and takecare
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    To add to my post: These women are lazy how difficult it is to take your cloths off for $$ for 2 minutes work. Whilst the rest of us get up early in the morning for work, long hours and pay are taxes. And strippers expect everything from a man?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    So true, very well said Papi_Chulo!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Thank you for your quick reply. You are correct in assessing the situation better. At the beginning I was only in it for the sex too but then gradually it developed. Money was involved in supporting her but not by large amounts. Alcohol was the main problem as she would come back drunk most nights. I would not date a stripper again just because of my own experience. Maybe I blanked it all and thought she was different to the rest. But I'm sure she has dark hidden secrets like the rest of them. You live and learn my friend!