Joined Aug, 2013
Last Seen Jul, 2016

commented on
eccentricitiesI knew a girl in high school that was into rape.....I enjoyed beating her like a domesticated house wife from the 50s while Ass…

Thrift Store SuitsI like to look classy when I club but got no money so I go down to my local thrifts store and get me…


Leather and Lace
512 W Main Ave
Gastonia, NC 28052Love this club...walk in $10 bucks...drinks $3 bucks and the best part of all two way out in the open Dick shifting boob sucking…

commented on
eccentricitiesAnd their was this one S.O. that had orgasms over craming her fingers into my Ass whole while I was on top drilling her…

Aluminam cans, glass bottles and old news papersEver collect and recycle this.shit just to buy bbbjcim from a sexy little slut ?