Joined Aug, 2013
Last Seen Jul, 2016

commented on
391,000 lappers would cost me $5,000 I could do that in a year if I wanted too but instead I take 100 bbbjcim at…

weekly news paper and enternet couponsHow often do you men cut out or print off coupons to save money on admission cost ?
I know I do...every penny helps ol…
I know I do...every penny helps ol…

commented on
Posting as others: Re: Alucard.Founder is one cool mother Fucker for at least reading and asking for our shitty opinions....

commented on
Posting as others: Re: Alucard.But thats my 2 cents....my name is James and I give hard answers to hard questions

commented on
Posting as others: Re: Alucard.I also thank you should copy write the system by rickyboy and sell it on tuscl before Rick does....it will make you a lot…

commented on
Posting as others: Re: Alucard.You should also banned bonerbreath for always saying nigger with no humour behind it....its getting a little much

commented on
Posting as others: Re: Alucard.And I second bring back juicebox69
Juice ! Juice ! Juice !
Juice ! Juice ! Juice !