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Joined Mar, 2013
Last Seen Dec, 2015


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12 years ago
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Escort 101
Fuck all that, just go where it's legal. Take a bus, take a plane, drive, just don't do anything you have to be paranoid…
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12 years ago
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Dead Father's Ashes
Did he snort them off a stripper's ass?
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12 years ago
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Bad Club Repeats
Lucky me the only bad club I've ever been to is 4 or 500 miles away, and no I wouldn't drop in even if…
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12 years ago
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How to Get the Most Out of Your Money
If I ever wanted to pay a woman to talk to me I'd probably just go to Hooters.
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12 years ago
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How much ?
I've figured out I need $600 in my pocket to enjoy the night. I don't necessarily need to spend $600, though I could. In…
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12 years ago
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Showcase Theater
11223 Old Baltimore Pike Beltsville, MD 20705
Beltway convenient, and highly recommendable for...
Beltway convenient, and highly recommendable for lapdances, with a full nude option and full contact minus the kitty. The stage is too small for…
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