Joined Mar, 2013
Last Seen Dec, 2015

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The Lovely LatinasLatinas are hot, but for some reason they make my virgin/hooker complex run wild and I could never really be with one.

Fudging dance count?How often do you ever get the feeling a stripper tacked on one more dance than you got? And how do you usually respond?

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Lap Dances10 is about what I do too. I've gone over, and I've gotten less, due to superior dancing and inferior dancing.

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Work PerksWorked on a college campus once. Was enjoyable for several months before it just became frustrating and depressing.

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Do you remember your first SC experience?Yep, it was horrible and finding out the place closed down gave me some joy. The girl on stage looked completely bored, and the…

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Your WillI could see maybe doing something like that, unless I was asked then there would be no way.

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Pariah of the club...Hm, luckily I don't feel like a pariah where I go, and it's not like I dress up to impress or anything. That does…

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Your S/O's strip club experience.One difference is male strippers have to be perfect physical specimens with under 10% body fat, whereas a female stripper can let herself go…

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Strippers with too much hustleThat's why I'll never exchange numbers with a stripper. I come when I've got money to spend and motivation to spend it, don't need…

Long play or quicky?Would you rather have your dancer get you off quick or keep you going across many songs before a grand finale.

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how many new girls did you add to your belt knotch ?Zero, it's not legal here and getting arrested isn't the biggest concern I have with that.

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OT: Best Trek everDeep Space 9 was the best one because it was different without feeling like something other than Star Trek.

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Budgeting & RestraintLol, I almost did ask that. Anyway if I go into a strip club I fully expect an empty wallet when I leave. I'll…

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No touch, or worse no lapdance, clubs. How do they even stay in business?Yep, we're thinking along the same lines. If I want a sexual fishbowl I'll go to Hooters, slightly prettier girls and slightly less blueness…

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Can someone explain the process of getting an escort?Also clicking contact info and going to the external sites, 2 different "agencies" list the same girl with the same pics. Not telling you…

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Can someone explain the process of getting an escort?Ok, one of those girls pictures are of a Playboy coed, pictures she took for Playboy. Either that's her, or there's no telling what…

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Naming names in reviews?Yeah, wasn't talking about extras, just a bad dance. Not gonna bother after all since she had technical proficiency, just didn't like the dead…

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No touch, or worse no lapdance, clubs. How do they even stay in business?Yeah, I get local ordinances and all that, still for me I'd rather have a girl on the computer screen I can't touch than…

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Jive turkey or Major Dude?I like to switch it up, I'm in my 30s but I talk like I'm from the 30s. "Check out the swell gams on…

Naming names in reviews?Do you? Is it frowned upon? Against some rule. Not talking about "chick A gives (illegal) extras", just "look for this girl, run from…

No touch, or worse no lapdance, clubs. How do they even stay in business?Seriously. I can understand how they would get some customers in just because of the naked girls, but a young college dude who just…

Recommend a good club in Maryland?I'm close to Showcase, and I know it's the only full grind full nude place between Baltimore and DC, and that DC doesn't allow…