
Comments by funk949

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    dating a stripper.....help?!
    me and this girl started hanging out only cause of my sister, when we started hanging out she was like a real real good FRIEND, 1 year passed and we hung out so much that we finally confesed our feelings to eachother and we both felt the same
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    dating a stripper.....help?!
    i just feel like she is being truthful despite what she does to make money, because her own blood knows were going out and only her little brother knows that she dances if she were to hurt my she would have to deal with my sister, she knows my mom passed away and would feel worse if she did something she has cried before when i tell her that i cant do this anymore, she hasnt been working as much as she once used to and she doesnt really talk to her customers anymore such a tough situation
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    dating a stripper.....help?!
    @inno123 what do you mean "Now, if by loyal you mean that she is only being intimate with you the chances are about zero"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pros and Cons of dating a stripper
    alright guys i have a real big instance for you guys that i REEEEEEEALLY need help on im 21 years old, my sister is 26 years old my sister has a bestfriend who has been a striper for over 3 years, she was supposed to be a nurse by now but a year ago she lost her house and her folks lost their jobs, her mom has diabetes this stripper has grown maaad feelings for me and i had to give in she claims that she only uses guys for money and will never sell her body like that..EVER! she wants to finish her school work to become a nurse and she'll be able to support her family and a roof, btw she pays rent, insurance for 2 cars, and two phone bills, plus food do you guys really think she is being loyal to me and im not wasting my time?, she has told me and told me that she loves me and shes never asked for a penny! we talk about this but quite frankly i feel like im just being fooled, my sister doesnt know btw but her family does
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    hello guys this is my first time...
    question in need of answer