
Comments by IrishDog219

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    ATF too frank?
    To gawker: Flip the switch! Tell your ATF when your not with her, you have an Ultimate AFT you see on the side except your U ATF won't except monetary gifts from you enjoys your company. Tell you ATF that your U ATF is named in your will because of this. Then ask your ATF does she feel special because she is getting the money up front, and not have to wait. Stupid Strippers!
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    How to not Piss off a Stripper!
    So here's one from the Customer Side. Your a known regular at a club. You happen to become involved with one of the girls there, and the relationship is totally away from the club. You two break up and its not a clean breakup, but still does not involve the her workplace. You check with management and its ok if you come in, then next thing you know your 68'd from the club while shes there. The only reason your 86'd is she doesn't want you spending money on other girls. So Ms stepsexy how do you handle that.