
Comments by ReplyToCraig (page 4)

  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Great time for great price
    $500 an hour? Bring a condom and she MIGHT help you use it? Hell I can get a chick for half a night for that kinda scratch!
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Hellooo Nurse
    From Bali to Cali
    This club reminds me of the...
    I was in Inkster a couple weeks ago and of the 3 clubs in that town, passed on Flight club cause they do the valet scam, so it immediately told me it was one of those kinda clubs. My favorite while there was Bogarts, You find your girl, go upstairs, pay $10 for a wrist band which allows you up there with any amount of girls all night. I got FS for a a hair over a hundie..and 2 other girls did bj for a little over half a hundie. No valet, I think $10 entry, and no BS. Just pass on clubs like Flight or else they'll never get it together.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Delivered as expected
    Everything in the review was spot on except the bouncer tip. I have been going to Arnie's for years and have NEVER paid a buck to a bouncer before being escorted to the cubicle, whether there was one there or not. Keep that in mind. Some bouncer may be trying to sma you. If they insist, change your mind and come back later or another day/girl. The chick that insists that may be working with the bouncer.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    inexpensive fun
    Really good, detailed review. Surprised it wasn't accused of being an AD from desert something-or-other,,or have we been relieved of his account??
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Fun Place
    Actually thanks for the clarification. I thought no booze downstairs meant completely nude onstage but now I see thats just in the main room.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Great new club, but be careful with your money!
    well it took millions of dollars and I think 4 years, including legal fees, to open this place so getting their money back is their top priority. To set the record straight, opening new strip clubs are not hard because they are protected by freedom of speech in the constitution. What you will run into is legal fees and immense paperwork getting it done, hence the years it took to open this. But if you have some bucks and perceverance, you will open it.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Well, I've been to a couple...
    So if they weren't getting topless as advertised you were throwing dollar bills why?
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Traveling through the Indiana/Illinois border recently,...
    Usually when you agree to buy a girl a drink the bartender tells you right out that it's $20.00 and that regardless of what she drinks cause she gets $10.00 of it. So if she orders a bottle of water it's still $20.00
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Fun but Expensive...
    $350 for halk an hour and you can't touch the cooch?? For that kinda money I would have expected to fist it!!
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Checked out the brand new club last night
    It seems, unless I issed it, that this is the first I'm hearing about this club. With a review like this, who doesn't it get the same amount of reviews as HK?
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    Don't have to drive all the way to Detroit for extras. Hammond, and Gary, Indiana and south of Chicago in Harvey come to mind.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    What people who've never been to Vegas might imagine a Vegas brothel would be like...
    Credit Card?? In a strip club?? Seriously??
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    still a dud
    well the reason for all this is because they were nailed for a girl offering a city official or a cop extras..so they banned the girls. Now they do the "keep it low" routine where a girl or two are there but that's about it.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    More strippers than customers
    Everything you said was accurate but remember..Fantasy's is an extras club..dances are a throw away after thought there. No one MUST buy a girl a drink. You can come in, sit down, scope the bar, pick out the honey that appeals to you, go directly to the VIP negotiation part and enjoy. So basically, Fantasy's is exactly what you make it.. Oh and skip that club ad crap..I'm just a frequenter who has been there enough to know what to skip and what to hone in on.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    OK..as a rule I don't care for the "CLUB AD OF THE DAY" reviews, but this one fits..it is so blatantly accurate as a club ad it stinks..$25 entry includes 2 bottles of water or coke and that's OK???? Upsold from a topless $30 dance must mean $40 FOR A NUDE DANCE??? REALLY???? I understand they are busting their ass trying to get a licquor license there..but come on..NO nude dance is worth $40 without extras PLUS $25 entry fee!!
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Be Careful - They call Police with your Driver's License
    tell you what jj21..I have totally eliminated reading ANY of Scrubs stupid replys..kind of like the boy who cried wolf..no one listened anymore..
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    I will never go back
    Well now you know what you get when you deal with clubs owned by organized crime in New York..surprise surprise. Oh, and Scores in Gary Indiana is the same :owners."
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Summer time
    Sure sounds great..lap dances where you are cheated to shortened songs..no exxtras to make it worthwhile..yea, turn me loose I'm there..!
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Looks like you had a great trip through Tijuana but dude I found your reviews sorely lacking. For gods sake AT LEAST you could have filled us in on whether or not you got in WINNI COOPER's pants!!!!!
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    And by the way..if bbbj is your preferance you can easily find a girl to do that there for the same money..just listen to her diatribe about "how bb will be more", tell her $60 is all you have and your done....she'll do it.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta, GA
    Nice spot, but there are some drawbacks
    I have asked this a dozen times here and will continue to wonder why guys go to clubs like this that have egomaniacle garbage dudes telling you what you can and cannot do when the girl allows it and nothing illegal has been done. Come on guys, get a life and enjoy real lap dances without the douchebag messing with you.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Still Not Paying Their Price
    Actually the second week in July is my Las Vegas/Hong Kong-Adelitas week so any pics, videos or numbers YOU would recommend would be great. Always believe in patronizing those that make an effort to make our night... [email protected]
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Hellooo Nurse
    From Bali to Cali
    I stopped by IS after my...
    As I've stated here before..Fantasy's to my knowledge is the only extras club in Hammond, same owners as Club O and Oceans, and they make no bones about it. So if satisfaction is your goal..either Arnie's in Harvey or cross the state line to Fantasy's.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    You are right that basically the rules for this place are not the fault of the club. It's a new way towns get you to reconsider opening or continuing with a strip club in their town. They cannot keep you from opening a club because of the first and 14th amendments, so thay make it hard to make money. Most clubs like that have to have the girls on raised platforms with a barricade between them and the customer, and the girls aren't allowed to come within 10 feet of customers. If you have deep pockets you can beat 'em in court. If you don't, this is what you get.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Solid club
    I agree..blatant club ad cause that place isn't that hot..expensive for very little.