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Joined Aug, 2012
Last Seen Aug, 2012


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13 years ago
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Oasis Goodtime Emporium
6363 Peachtree Industrial Blvd Atlanta, GA 30360
This was the first “real” strip...
This was the first “real” strip club my husband and I attended together. We had been planning this outing for a while and…
avatar for Hubsmilf
13 years ago
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Which club to take hubby in Atlanta?
Thanks so much for the advice. We have looked at both Follies and Oasis, both are just a few miles from our hotel room.…
avatar for Hubsmilf
13 years ago
Which club to take hubby in Atlanta?
My husband and I are taking a long overdue night out in Atlanta. It's been a loonnggg time since we have been to a…