
Comments by neon44 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    did i get scammed?
    DAMN.........she texted me and said she was in the hospital this week and when can we meet. I want to put an end to this in a nice way.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    did i get scammed?
    UPDATE. I feel dumb writing this but wanted to get it off my chest. After 7 months of car/park meetups 1-2 times per month , she ended it. We mostly talked about "fetish" wrestling, watched vids on my phone, she flexed, and did some cuddling, dirty talk. Most of the time she would contact me to set up another meeting. Last week we texted eachother and set something up. I texted her when I was on my way to the location and got no answer, texted her again after an hour and still no answer. I'm assuming shes having problems with her bf or something. (she could at least text me and thank me for helping her or something) We're definitely done. Last time she even had the nerve to ask for a larger donation. (always said she wanted to get back into dancing but had to lose weight) It was fun in the beginning but I ended up wasting a couple grand on her during the last 7 months. Wish I would of listened to the advice on this board and ended it earlier. I guess shy guy with not much bills and extra cash is a bad combo. Good news is i found another dancer in a nearby club who has a similar look/ build. I'm cutting back on spending and will never get that close to a dancer again.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    did i get scammed?
    thanks all
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    did i get scammed?
    We got along great both times and she contacted me after coming back from vacation. I don't think she would pull something like this but its pretty strange to lose almost $200. I checked my car again and found nothing.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    2 girls lap dance
    PS. the club dancer wouldn't have to do anything.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    I spoke with her and she said she fell down her stairs and can't wear heels for awhile. lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    I'm going next week to another club thats further away to see a hot dancer I remember from last summer when my former atf was away. From what I remember shes a bit slimmer and not into weightlifting/wrestling but its a start.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    We spoke on the phone a few weeks ago and she said after her one week vacation, she's going in for an audition. Said the dj or manager said to come with her dancing clothes, and she'll contact me sometime that week. Nothing so far........Think I've just about had enough.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    I told her I'm saving up for when/if she gets to the new club. I mentioned her about giving me a discount next time if we do a car/park meet again ($30-40) off and she didnt like the idea, said its far for her. lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    PS. She's the one that texted me after 3 weeks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    Don't think I creeped her out, she used to get a kick out of the fetish in the old club.(esp in the vip) and also in the car meetups. If she was really creeped out, I doubt she would meet in alone in a car and even offer to wrestle in a larger nearby park. Regarding the new club, she mentioned something about her losing trying to lose more weight. Said she'd like to meet one more time before she gets to the club. lol I'm thinking maybe she doesn't want to dance anymore. I dont want to completely cut ties but this is getting annoying.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    I'm basically being financially dominated and not sure how to stop it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    Probably. I dont think I'll do the car meet ups again. I made it clear that I miss seeing her in the club and she'll do well in the new one, almost begging her to be a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    UPDATE* This story gets stranger by the day. She texted me early in the morning then called my phone. She said her cousin died last week and her transmission was out. I told her that I was going to NJ to help a friend move in who lived near the new club and that I would stop in to check it out. I said I'm busy the rest of the week and would text her next week. I guess she really doesnt work at the new club and just wants to do the car meetups.lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    The last time was a real waste, she had her hair in a bun, no makeup and her baby in the car next door (hers) Said she was going to the gym.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    I'm sorry to keep bumping this topic but I think I finally figured the whole thing out. This is very embarrassing. When she was first fired, she offered a "wrestling" session in a local fleabag hotel, I declined and gave her a donation just for meeting me in a car. (4 times) I guess the donation was too generous on my part. I noticed the first few times she was very thankful in the texts but toward the end not too much. Before meeting the third time we were discussing days to meet and she was free 4 days a week except one. I should have picked that up but she's probably been dancing for a month and using these "meetups" as side money. We were basically meeting every 2-3 weeks. I still don't get why she didnt want me in the new club. Maybe I was too eager to meet anytime she texted me. I didn't go into numbers, but made it clear that she'd do very well when I'm there. It's funny how in our last meeting she said she's probably going to be dancing on a certain day then stopped texting me altogether. I'm guessing she probably realized the gig is up. For a girl who didn't want me to know the first name of another dancer (friend of hers), I'm surprised she's using her real name in the new place (if its her). On Thursday I plan to stop in to see if its her. Even if she's super nice I'm not planning on spending much money on her (maybe a stage tip). I don't start drama so there definitely wont be a scene. I'll ask what happened and If she gets nasty I'll walk out. Maybe she'll realize how much $ shes losing from me as a customer. This whole thing sucks because she's one of the few dancers that turn me on. Fortunately this won't affect me financially. I guess this is what happens when someone basically has no life, $ to spend and was never in a real bf/gf relationship. This is mostly my fault for being naive.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    ^I'm sort of a fan, I mostly watch for the women. I dont look at all like the wrestlers lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    Assuming me and this girl make up, I probably wont even get a dance. I'm afraid she'd hurt my junk or accuse me of grabbing her (even though I was always well behaved). I don't trust her or know what frame of mind she's in.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    This girl once said she'd "kick my ass" in a wrestling match, i call bs.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    ^Not you, I mean whole situation. This girl must have some kind of beef with me. Maybe shes bipolar, or meds or something.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    If this is true, I would rather get robbed by some skell in the city.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    Huh? I'm a fan of this site, don't have any sock accounts.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    I just got banned from a mixed wrestling website for a month for venting about this bitch lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    I like to be slightly dominated but I'm not into "findom". I feel like I was swindled and she took my balls. All she had to do was text me once in three weeks and say she found a new club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
    Regarding the 35miles, traffic in Staten Island is brutal. lol I guess I am too obsessed with her ,what does DS stand for? As for the fondling, she did it in the regular ld room but then said they installed cameras. This is embarrassing but I had a wrestling fetish where she would flex and put me in light holds/pin to the sofa in the vip (the fetish is basically over now). I also would sometimes vent to her about an uncle of mine who won the lottery, bought a mansion down south and talks shit about nyc. She seemed to enjoy the fetish and didnt mind the venting, we're talking easy money for little effort.