
Comments by Omega22 (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The stereotypes of strip clubs
    Also I want to add, just to show pride in my city, that Lexington KY is one of the best cities for strip clubs. Three in the top 100 overall best strip clubs. Also Deja Vu didn't make the list but it is a great club too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The stereotypes of strip clubs
    Thank you all for your answers. I have read all of them and I am glad that you all took the time to respond.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    The life of a young adult regular
    Thank you for commenting mre123. You make some really good points. I agree with what you wrote and am glad you took the time to comment.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    The life of a young adult regular
    Hey sorry I haven't been online for a couple weeks and had no idea they published my article. Thanks for all the comments I have read them and appreciate the time you all took to comment.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    How I get Pussy in Strip Clubs
    CapnJer I don't have insecurity problems. Also I do have a life. I have a college degree in finance, planty of friends, full time job, and my own place. How many of those things can you claim? I bet none of them. Everything you say is most likely made up. Anybody can come on to the Internet and make up statistics. I don't believe in anything you are writing. I have plenty of money and know more about strip clubs than you.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    How I get Pussy in Strip Clubs
    Wow CapnJer thanks for your opionion on younger people in strip clubs. I think it is cute that you are under the impression that I give a damn what you think about young guys like me. I am not a loser and the strippers prefer me since I don't need Viagra.