
Comments by Agent_Zero (page 17)

  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    This club has DEFINITELY taken a...
    tie and all. I stood out like ketchup on a white shirt, Bro. :)
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    This club has DEFINITELY taken a...
    GOOD. Lol. And the strange thing is: Not many niggas were getting lap dances. They were all just standing around staring and taking up space. Smh. It HAD to be at least 100 niggas in there in drug dealing gear. I'm the only Black guy in work clothes, neck
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    This club has DEFINITELY taken a...
    Chulo! What's up, Buddy. Yeah, man, I got there at 2am on a Friday night and it was the WORST experience ever. Niggas all around me. Robbing people and shit. Breaking into cars and shit. Fighting. It was definitely my last visit for a while... if not for
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I’ve reviewed this club b/f on...
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    This club has DEFINITELY taken a...
    I meant 'NO WAY IN HELL". Trust me fellas.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    This club has DEFINITELY taken a...
    I would never return to Bazz the way it is now. Now way in hell.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    washington dc
    ive been going to this club...
    Maybe check out Norma Jeans in B-More, Rell. You're right about the dwindling options in PG County though. It's pretty much Fuego... and maybe Bazz. Norma Jeans is good though.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    District of Columbia
    WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! The one time...
    You should've READ MY REVIEW before wasting my time here. The only reason I write these things is to help other users on this site. Why should I write these things if no one will heed my advice anyways??? Lol.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    District of Columbia
    WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! The one time...
    ncers in this area including many who used to work here. The general consensus response is dances are too cheap. Most of the best looking girls in this area now are in hoards at Fuego or Norma Jeans in B-More.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    District of Columbia
    WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! The one time...
    ave even told the manager the minimum dance price should be $10 per song for a full song and not a chopped up $5 one. Great looking dancers used to work here three years ago but no dancer of great quality would ever work here now. I have spoken to many da
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    District of Columbia
    WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! The one time...
    I half-way agree with my buddy Chulo. The problem with this club is not completely Management. I know the manager personally. He is a legit guy, not a crook at all. The problem is the $5 dances are too cheap and girls don't make any money here. I myself h
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Went on a Tuesday night, around...
    Good review. I co-sign this.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Good review. I have never gone here... and never would.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Wow, it's my 100th review, I'm...
    Don't waste your time here, Bro. It seems like the place is a dinosaur dancer spot.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    This was my first visit to...
    That is because people are not being discrete about what goes on here. If people on this site started to speak in tongues then there would be no problem. But new users on this site spill the beans too fucking often. Therefore, everyone else suffers.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    $20 WASTED that night. Smh. :(
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    y 12midnight. SMH.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    I agree with you on that SUPER short song stuff that Sinsaysionals does. That is crazy. It's a good thing I never patronize this club. I was only there the other day to conduct recon and to see this "big booty dancer" who never even came out of the back b
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    n I’m paying for dances.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    later than 10pm. To make matters worse, I’ve seen some of the laziest lap dancers working at Fuego. They give you the robotic grind with little energy. But you know me… I make dancers WORK for the dollar. You already know. No slacking with these girls whe
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    through Friday. If I can put in 8 hours five days a week, these stuck up dancers should put in at least 8 hours Friday and Saturday night. Fuego closes at 5am. They should close earlier though like 3am. And all dancers on shift should be in the club by no
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    ere in Washington DC. Many times at Fuego dancers some in at 2am, when the club opens at 8pm. Smh. All dancers should be in the club no later than 10pm if I had my way. I see dancing as their jobs. So it should be an 8 hour a day thing. I work 9-5 Monday
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    I agree, Chulo. Fuego here in Hyattsville, Maryland CONSTANTLY has problems with dancers being on their phones all day or sitting down and not roaming the floor. I swear Fuego is tun worse than the United States Congress right up the block from my house h
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    There’s sooooooooo many things wrong with...
    I agree, SFLGuy. That is my thought as well. But it was near midnight and many girls were still in the back. I can see if it were 9pm. That is relatively early. But after 11pm everyone in the club needs to be on the floor.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    It was my birthday week so...
    No problem, Bro. Just be careful. Spilling too many beans may ruin it for the rest of the users who partake in the VIP Extras experience at Harley's. I'm not one who partakes, but I know many guys who do. Lol.