
Comments by snakeeyes989

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does She Really Like You?
    I have a close friend who's a stripper in Vegas, we hang out some times with her other stripper friends, mostly after work at a restaurant. I have heard of all the scams they put on the guys. First if they text or call you it doesn't mean anything, it's just keeping in contact with costumers. Second if you do go out ex... shopping, and you pay, she just found a fool and she'll milk you for as long as you keep paying. Remember don't pay and you'll find out real fast if its real.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Attractive Asian strippers
    The skinny girl at Silk gives an awesome LD.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    A Typical Day in the Life of a Dancer, Part 1
    My wife does the same thing, Beautification Process, three hours. The only thing is I understand how hard her job is, the dancing, putting up with rude costumers. If you think about it it's a BS job, spending time with a guy you think is disgusting. I think how would I feel if I was a dancer and had to dance and pretend I liked some behemoth of a woman. They do get paid good, but they deserve it.