
Comments by Johnnyfrit

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Has potential
    I think CaptainJax was referring to a "special" (4 for $100 plus shot). In regular VIP upstairs, it's either 15 minutes ($200 or $250) or 30 minutes ($300 0r $350). You have a little curtained area. We've never been bothered by the attendant looking in or whatever....he just comes over and announces when time is up. The downstairs per dance are, to me, just to see if you have the right chemistry.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Not bad for a Sunday night
    Now this is a model comment; all the details and prices. It also sounds very much like the experiences me and my wife have had there. Next time I hope we get a dance like you had. My wife is worried about cameras, but some of the girls, like the one you had, didn't seem too bothered about it. My wife says she just doesn't want to end up on the Internet somewhere.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Penthouse... again
    Sorry. When she quoted us $200 for 30 minutes, I jumped on it. It almost seemed like she mis-quoted...I was expecting much higher. Anyway, you pay the gate-keeper as you enter the area, he escorts all of us over to the little cubby and leaves. At the end, I tipped her about $30 extra for the good job.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Lots of great dancers
    Thanks for being specific about the dancing venues and the prices. Others have said some pieces, but yours touched on all the key points. I'm one to start with a lap dance to see if there's chemistry. Some of them are experts at fooling us into thinking more is available, when it's not. Anyway, appreciate the way you did your review.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    My wife and I went to...
    He is spot on in everything he said! This was extremely informative to all and much better than the one I wrote a few weeks ago.