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Joined Nov, 2010
Last Seen Jan, 2025


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6 years ago
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Hot bitch in Cedar Rapids Iowa
Fugly. Pass.
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6 years ago
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What age was the oldest stripper you had ever seen at the club?
50, and she's had plenty of plastic surgery.
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
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Great dancers, when you can connect
Chrissy was also robotic/monotone with me last year as well. Seems drugged or disinterested. Mentioned it to her and she said she hears that…
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6 years ago
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"How much did you bring?"
I've been quoted twice the going dance rate I'm guessing based on how I was dressed. I immediately shot her down. She then cut…
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
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Dreamgirls at Fox's
10707 Pacific Ave S Tacoma, WA 98444
I have to re-adjust my standards from the MW to the PNW.
So, it seems like I have to adjust my strip club standards after leaving the Midwest and now living in the Pacific Northwest. The…
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6 years ago
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Tallest woman you've banged ?
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6 years ago
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Tallest woman you've banged ?
Can recall talkesy. Shortest was 4'9". I prefer taller women though.
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6 years ago
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I think you are confusing "niceness" with hustling.
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6 years ago
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Lol, wants standard "band", but can't even spell banned properly.
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6 years ago
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I Have Hypersexuality: Ask me Anything
You won't like hot tub sex. The water washes out all the natural lubrication.
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6 years ago
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Where were the girls like you when I was younger?!?!?!
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6 years ago
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Kinda OT - the case for bolt ons
Go the subliminal route and view porn/Smit together with women that have bolt-ons. Maybe she'll be like ... Hmmm those don't look too bad.
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6 years ago
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Why do some of you guys treat dancers as unlovable?
I don't know about you guys, but I'm up for a few hours of lovin' from strippercutie404 :)
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
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Why do some of you guys treat dancers as unlovable?
Give yourself a few years in this industry, see how jaded some of the strippers are, hopefully you don't become jaded yourself, and then…
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6 years ago
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I'm going down to the Bunny Ranch next month just to check it out. We'll see what happens.
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6 years ago
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Places that are anti strip club
Avoid the entire state of Missouri
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6 years ago
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I'm new to Washington ... What are the decent clubs in this area of the country?
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6 years ago
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Déjà Vu Tacoma
8920 S Tacoma Way Lakewood, WA 98499
Not impressed with the Pacific Northwest
Well, this is the only club I've been to in the greater Seattle area and I was not impressed. I won't be going back.…
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7 years ago
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Scarlett's Cabaret
5841 Bunkum Rd Washington Park, IL 62204
Still needs improvement
You'd think after a year of ownership that the new management would have turned this place around. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The good…
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7 years ago
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New St. Louis Area Club
$20 before 12?!??!? WTF!

It's at the same location as all the previous failed clubs. Good luck.
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7 years ago
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Strange visit - WTF?
That girl was a ripoffbitch.
avatar for Michigan
7 years ago
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Scarlett's Cabaret
5841 Bunkum Rd Washington Park, IL 62204
Not Impressed With New Ownership
It would not have taken much to improve this club from the previous Bob Romanik ownership. However, Scarlett's has failed. Bathroom troll ... fail.…
avatar for Michigan
7 years ago
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Scarlett's Cabaret
5841 Bunkum Rd Washington Park, IL 62204
Been awhile since I have been here and thought it was worth a visit to see if things had improved but I was wrong.…
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