
Comments by s275ironman (page 42)

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    New management to the rescue
    ^^^ Add Coliseum as well. All three of those clubs have websites that are nearly identical. It wouldn't be that way if they weren't all part of the same family of clubs.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Gawd's Holy Church of Tuscl
    Mission Trip to Save Hookers for Jesus
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Tijuana and Detroit
    Good looking, but not hard working
    I've noticed this to be common at many clubs I've visited over the years. If the majority of the girls in a club are of college age (18-24), it seems to be the norm that they don't act all that interested in making money.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Saturday night visit, > 25 dancers
    I used to live near the Dells and I would frequently visit this club. There are absolutely no extras at this club whatsoever (or any nearby club for that matter). Signs are posted everywhere warning customers that touching dancers is not allowed. This club is good for eye candy, but that's about it.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Tuesday Early Shift
    It has been almost 5 years since I left Wisconsin, but this was my favorite club when I lived there. Back then, I remember dances being $20/song. Other than that it does not sound like anything about this club has changed. I always had better experiences later in the evening. One thing I don't miss is the enforcement of those "customer no touch" rules that are in the majority of Wisconsin strip clubs. How is a PL supposed to have any fun if they can't touch?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Flight Club
    Sounds like a ROB to me. I may have limited ITC experience, but it is my understanding when you got a price for extras, the only additional costs are the VIP fee and/or tip to the bouncer. Never should you also have to pay for dances in addition to the extras. Someone correct me if I'm wrong because as I stated, I am still fairly new to ITC extras.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Could very well be my new favorite club
    It is supposedly priced more like Penthouse, Flight Club and Coliseum but there have not been many reports out there to go off of, so it is hard to know for sure.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Could very well be my new favorite club
    Unfortunately I don't have her name. If I did, I would not give it out as I make it a point to never mention dancer names in a review (with the exception maybe being an ROB situation). As for how I got the price that I did, she did not have a price during our initial discussion. When I asked her afterwards, she told me to give her whatever I thought was fair. From reports I read on another forum, what I gave her is close to what others have successfully negotiated at this club. But as with all clubs, some dancers do quote higher amounts than others.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Could very well be my new favorite club
    No, that is supposed to be $140
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    Health, Fitness and Strip Clubs: My Experience with Testosterone Boosters
    JA, it is perfectly safe to take both of those along with Vitamin D, assuming it is D3 and not D2. D3 (Cholecaliferal) is the good kind of Vitamin D, while D2 is the bad kind. Benefits from D3 begin at doses in the range of 3,000-5,000 IU. If you just want to supplement with vitamins and minerals to maintain your sexual health, along with Vitamin D, I suggest Magnesium and Zinc, and maybe Vitamins B3, B6 and B12. Just one thing about magnesium and zinc, there are many different forms, and some are not as easily absorbed by the body. Zinc Oxide is the most common form of zinc, but it is also the cheapest. The body does not absorb it very well. Zinc Citrate and Zinc Aspartate are more bioavaliable. Also, be careful that you don’t get too much zinc as it is actually harmful to take long-term in large doses. The tollerable upper limit (TUL) daily for zinc is 40mg, so if supplementing, don’t go over 30mg. Boron is something I don’t see sold as a stand-alone supplement. It is usually included in either a multivitamin or testosterone booster. The recommended dose for boron is 5-10mg. Anything larger than that is dangerous.
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
    The top 10 things I should have done sooner
    It all starts with making one little change, and then slowly one change leads to another change and it becomes a domino effect as it progresses. I’m a guy in my mid-30’s and a couple years ago I made a few lifestyle choices that really paid off. All I did was find motivation to change my diet and start exercising again. I lost 30 pounds after about 6 months, and I found myself back to the weight I was my freshman year of college. Today I am still maintaining that weight. During the whole process of getting there, I noticed a huge difference in my overall health. I would say it had a bigger impact on my self-esteem and mental health than it did on my overall physical health. There is no better feeling in the world than what you feel right after you accomplish such a remarkable thing. If there is a downside, once you get there, everything balances itself out and the excitement starts to wear off, but the key is to reflect back as a reminder that you don’t want to take any steps backwards.
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    Health, Fitness and Strip Clubs: My Experience with Testosterone Boosters
    Papi, there is some truth to your statements, but not entirely. If it seems obsessive, it is because all the positive results I’ve experienced are very real. It was just 3 years ago when I was overweight and eating like shit. When I found motivation to change my diet and start exercising again, I managed to drop 30 pounds and lose 4 inches off my waistline. I’ve managed to stay motivated enough to keep that weight off. My goal is to sculpt my body into the best version of myself I can possibly be. IMO, that is different than trying to turn your body into something it wasn’t meant to be. I know in the introduction I mentioned taking a bunch of supplements. I was a young adult back then and just bought what was popular and cheap. Nowadays, I don’t use as many supplements as I used to. I stopped using protein powder because I get enough protein in my diet. When I do take a supplement, I make a choice based on both ingredient profile and cleanliness. Too many products have a long list of junk on the label in the “other ingredients” category. Manufacturers do this to keep the cost low so they can sell it for an affordable price.
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    Health, Fitness and Strip Clubs: My Experience with Testosterone Boosters
    @Warrior, I personally have not noticed many major side effects from taking these supplements. There are times where I’ve experienced mood swings, but other than that, all the effects I’ve noticed have been positive. I guess it is possible it could harm your kidneys from long-term use in high doses, but I never take any of these supplements for more than 60 consecutive days, which is typically how long it takes to go through 2 bottles. As it is, the ingredients in testostetone boosters are all natural vitamins, minerals and herbs. Unlike steroids and pro hormones, testosterone boosters are generally safe to use. But still, it is recommended to use caution when supplementing with anything. Testosterone boosters are meant to be cycled. It is recommended to supplement for 2 months and then discontinue use for a month before using again. Most testosterone boosters are sold in bottles that carry a 30-day supply. I always pay attention to the instructions on the label. I use as directed. If there are no instructions for cycling, I use for 8 weeks and then discontinue for 4 weeks. With some products, the label will tell you to use for 4 weeks and then discontinue for 2-4 weeks. I firmly believe you should always follow these instructions. As for dosages to be aware of, having too much zinc can cause prostate issues. If supplementing with zinc, don’t exceed 30mg per day. A lot of testosterone boosters have a daily dose of 30mg of zinc, which then means don’t combine it with another supplement that has zinc. Another ingredient to be aware of is yohimbe. It is more common in weight loss products than testosterone boosters, but it is a stimulant that is known to cause cardiac issues. From experience, i could not sleep at night when taking a supplement with yohimbe. It is also very dangerous to combine yohimbe with caffeine, which sadly a lot of products do. I personally will never again use a supplement that has yohimbe. Other than that, the only concern really is if you are allergic to certain plants. A lot of the ingredients in testosterone boosters are herbal extracts. With that being said, it is a good idea to consult your doctor before using any supplement.
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    Health, Fitness and Strip Clubs: My Experience with Testosterone Boosters
    Willy, testosterone boosters are not anabolic steroids. They are perfectly safe to take. With that being said, they work best when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine. It is also recommended that they be cycled, for example, use for 2 months and then discontinue for 1 month before using it again.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Male Fragrances & Stripper Reactions
    Over the years, my clubbing fragrances have changed. Part of that is because my preferences have changed as I've gotten older. When I was young, I would wear David Beckham Instinct, a rather inexpensive cologne. It is perfect for younger guys. Many of the younger (21-25 y.o.) strippers would compliment me. Eventually I tried Azzaro Chrome, and that became my fragrance of choice up until this past year. It also got me a ton of compliments. In the last 6 months, I have tried Armani Code, Versace Eros, and Yves Saint Laurent La Nuit de L'homme. Out of these 3, I have received the most compliments from Versace Eros. As for where to buy, all but one of my fragrances (YSL La Nuit) have been purchased at a big box retailer. A lot of the nicer fragrances can only be found in department stores or online retailers like Amazon. If you travel and your only option is Walmart, they sell Versace Eros for a very good price. A 1.7 oz bottle is approx. $43 at Walmart while a department store sells the same size bottle for approx. $65.