Comments by longb
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3 months ago
The difference if it was a democrat who had 3 wives, paid off porn stars, or wore orange make up, or talked about dicks, or called a women shit the right would have a melt down. People talk about Trump because he is unstable and wants to be talked about.
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4 months ago
If you like young asians, oh my
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4 months ago
the base price is the price when you inherit it. Not when it was purchased. They do try to make it up with estate taxes but if the amount is less than 13 million there are no estate taxes.
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4 months ago
No if you inherit anything, there are no capital gains, all those are wiped out. So if you inherit a house that was purchased for $100 and now is worth $1 million that $900 thousand in gains disappears. Its called stepped up valuation. The only case you would be taxed is if it is an IRA or 401K that was never taxed
review comment
5 months ago
I did some checking on Redditt and the other one mentioned a lot is Cafe Starz
Never been there
cafe_starz2022 instagram
review comment
5 months ago
OK thanks, really had no idea how it works.
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5 months ago
Does anyone find it strange that Israel holds a huge concert within a couple 100 yards of the border to Gaza and has virtually no security, and does not seem to notice the 1000s of Hamas assembling. They have like 1200 killed day one and virtually no one else since, maybe a couple hundred. Netanyahu was just looking for his chance
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5 months ago
Why would we still want to be in Afghanistan, it is not being a coward, it is being smart. Do you understand the people who are Afghan citizens refused to fight for their country. My only issue is why do we blame Biden when it was Trump who did not have a plan when he turned over control to the Taliban. He released prisoners and pulled out troops first and had no plan for private and equipment withdrawl, so yes it was a mess. If we listened to Generals they would restaff and we would still be there, for what? What was going to change. We spent trillions fighting terrorism in the middle east, what did we get out of it, a lot of people dead and a lot more on VA benefits. Nothing was fixed
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5 months ago
50000 Taliban vs 2500 US Troops who also have to protect bases and airports. Biden did the smart thing and left .
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5 months ago
Trumps deal, release 5000 Taliban prisoners, reduce US forces from 12,500 to 2500, do nothing for american citizens living in Afghanistan or nothing to remove military equipment. Easily the worse deal in US military history. Biden took over with 2500 military, half of who were analyst and not fighting soldiers and somehow he was suppose to defend a country who have given up the will to defend themselves.
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5 months ago
If your goal is sex, the best option is the online escorts, much more reasonable than clubs. You need to build a history but after than it is pretty easy They do tend to be flakey, like you show at their motel and they never answer but that is part of the game.
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5 months ago
New Jersey
In the past few years there has clearly been a steady movement of raising prices, its like one place increased their beer cost and everyone follows. The one thing you can do is make a stand with your feet, when a place clearly is raising prices for no reason, I stop going and go somewhere else. I have clearly noticed places that raise too much lose customers.
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5 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Its all about unrealized income, the super rich never pay taxes because all their wealth is in unrealized income. They never sell anything they only trade, and when the die it goes to their kids tax free. Read recently on what Buffet was going to do with his 130 billion when he dies, that is 130 billion of money that was never taxed. That is why we have so many billionaires
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5 months ago
Spent a lot of time 20-25 years ago in the vegas classics. Olympic Garden, Cheetahs and Crazy Horse II. They were great clubs, $20 dances, great girls. Just not the same with the corporate clubs. Rarely even try anymore
review comment
8 months ago
the day I went the $120 was 15 minutes and behind a curtain on the regular LD couches, not a lot of privacy but worked for me, the $180 was 25 minutes in a private room. Not sure what is was like because never went back, but I will try the $180 next time. I think the time varies by day, the DJ as saying we got 5 minutes extra on Wednesdays